Recreating the schedule in the image using HTML, CSS, or Javascript
The schedule I want to recreateI need help creating a schedule using CSS, HTML, and Javascript. I'm having trouble aligning three blank table cells for the 7:00-8:00 time period with the cells on...
View ArticlePython class -- How may I access an double underscored attribute that is...
In the below program is it possible to access __breadth attribute in area(self) method?class Rectangle: def __init__(self, L): self.__length = L def area(self): return self.__length * self.__breadthb =...
View ArticleAuth0 return status code 400 after on subsequent polls for request token
I am attempting to perform Device Authorization Flow on a CLI in Go. I have followed the steps in to set up my application in Auth0....
View ArticleLaravel form action not accepting $order->id but accepting hard coded value
I debug the code using {{ dd($order->id) }}, I got 100238 order id value. But when I type<form action="{{ route('admin.pos.update_order', ['id' => $order->id]) }}" method="post">then its...
View ArticleExpected input batch_size (24) to match target batch_size (18)
class GCNModel(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels, hidden_dim, out_channels, edge_dim): # 5, 64, 6, 3 super(GCNModel, self).__init__() self.conv1 = Edge_GCNConv(in_channels=in_channels,...
View ArticleDifference in printing the Nth line with sed vs while ... read?
$ cat inputfile| while read i ;do echo ${#i}; done125501297213035... snip0$ for i in {1..21} ; do sed -n "$i"p inputfile |wc -c ; done132261368013759... snip1The input file contains 21 JSON objects...
View ArticleWhy I get program not found error on running "npm -v" command with Rust...
I am try to testing out version check and other things with Rust std::process::command.Other command are working fine but when I try to call npm -v, I got program not found error.My ErrorMy CodeNPM...
View ArticleI'm having issues in setting up my laravel project
I got a new Laravel project but it showing the following error and it is not letting me run it using php artisan serve I tried using composer self-update too but it is not working....Here's the error...
View ArticleHow to add hyperbolic curve in lattice
Let's pretend I want to add an hyperbolic curve to this plotdata(cars) xyplot(dist ~ speed, cars)Even though, such function won't fit data, the curve should be like the one you see in the picture....
View ArticleIam not able to login to bastion server-permission denied error
When I login to bastion server every time, there is initial shell script which will run and records sessions. LOG_FILE="`date --date="today" "+%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"`_`whoami`"...
View ArticleReadTimeout error when downloading images on AWS EC2 but not locally
I have a Python script to download an image from a URL and upload it to AWS S3. This script works perfectly when I run it on my local machine. However, when I deploy and run the same script on an AWS...
View ArticleHow to find Jacobian matrix for ANN using backpropagation
I have to find jacobian matrix using ANN. If my input to ANN is x and y ( These are system input and output), then the neural network has yo give dy/dx.How this works with ANN? i guess backpropagation...
View ArticleThe question is about the ownership of files on linux and who can edit them?
The question is about the ownership of files on linux and who can edit them? Let's say a file is owned by the user 'www-data' whose primary group is 'www-data' and the permissions on the file are...
View ArticleRun `rake -T` on production mode throws errors
When I run Rake -T in production mode, rails throws error about missing pry gem.Who can help me explain why it happens?My command: RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake -TRuby: "3.3.0"Rails version:...
View ArticleHandling errors in MSAL Redirect - reactjs login with microsoft sso
We are currently trying to catch an error, when a user with a company Azure AD Account tries to access the application, but does not have access to the tenant where the application resides...
View Articlespark for hive delete the table and create a new table with the same name...
I'm new to spark,I learned that spark can use hive's metastore, so I tried to use that。I copy hive-site, core-site, and hdfs-site to spark's conf,And put the jar of mysql-connector into the jar...
View Articlehow can I plot calculated dynamic levels?
Where could be a mistake?// Plot der dynamisch angepassten Fibonacci-Niveausfor i = 0 to NumAdditionalLevels - 1plot(additional_levels[i],, 0), linewidth=1, trackprice=true,...
View ArticleHow to make source dynamic for vue-i18n
I have this line of code which is outside of script tag <i18n locale="en" src="../../local/en/index/first.json"></i18n>This one uses static source, is there a way for me to import a file by...
View ArticleInconsistency in lazy variable initialization between static and instance...
struct MyStruct { static var x = myX() lazy var y = myY()}func myX() -> String { print("myX is running") return ""}func myY() -> String { print("myY is running") return ""}MyStruct.x = "X"var...
View Articleapi one jason python
Suppose you are writing a python web client to access an API of an online supermarket. Given below are the API details.Base URL= following product has been entered into...
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