WebScraping w/ Beautiful Soup: How to Return an Empty Element in a List?
I am trying to pull information on discounted products from this link. Currently, the results are being returned in a list using this code:from selenium import webdriver #need to be able to quit out of...
View ArticleOrbitDB can't replicate database on different peer
I have forced with problem in my p2p database orbitdb. Everything works fine while I did not move the database to another server.const ipfsOptions = { repo: './ipfs'}const ipfs = await...
View Articleflyway : Unsupported Database: MySQL 8.0
I am using java 11, and I have added flyway in spring-boot application like below.dependencies { implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web' implementation group: 'mysql', name:...
View ArticleHow to count in LEFT JOIN table
SELECT emp.`emp_id`,cio.`pin`,cio.`checktime` FROM payroll.employees AS emp LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM zkteco_biotime.checkinout WHERE checktime > "2022-09-20 23:59:59") AS cio ON emp.emp_id = cio.pin...
View ArticleReact-vertical-timeline is not showing. The output HTML keeps the elements...
I am trying to implement a vertical timeline on my project. But its not showing on the generated HTML code. When I tried to inspect it, I see that the classes are generated to be hidden with...
View ArticleAndroid build fails with error - Process 'command 'node'' finished with...
While running the react-native android app using android studio I am getting this error:Execution failed for task ':app:bundleReleaseJsAndAssets'.> Process 'command 'node'' finished with non-zero...
View ArticleHow to wrap a Link component with type safety?
There is a Link component in @tanstack/react-router. I want to nest (wrap) this component into my own component(s).How can I do this and keep the type-safety which it provides?This is example of the...
View ArticleCan not instantiate proxy of class
To test my controller project, I created an xUnit project and wrote a function and decorated it with the Fact attribute: [Fact] public void GetAllTest() { var mockMediator = new Mock<Mediator>();...
View ArticleGenerate SBOM for Spring Boot Dependencies
I'm trying to generate an SBOM that includes all of Spring Boot's default dependencies. I've tried using the generated Maven pom and removing the <*Management> tags to declare everything as a...
View ArticleFinding the maximum concatenate number from the list of numbers provided
Problem Statement :Input Format : First line of the input contains an integer n. Second line of inputs contains the n array elementsOutput format : The largest number that can be composed using all the...
View ArticleAdd custom data to 500 server errors responses
I am trying to modify the responses returned in case of uncontrolled errors (status code >= 500), in this case I want to add a correlation ID to the response for easier error log aggregation in a...
View ArticleBinary Coded Decimal Counter in VHDL
I have written this BCD-Counter in VHDL but the 10th place counter counts up every clock cylce instead of once, so instead of going from 09 to 10, the output is 09,19,29,39,... until bcd1_overflow is...
View ArticleWhy does the WebView in my Mac app behave differently from Safari?
I couldn't find an answer on MDN Web Docs and Stack Overflow, Google Search so I'm posting a question.The issue I'm experiencing is that...Why does the 'playbackRate Change' button in the provided...
View Articlecreate random sample conditionally using a file
I am trying to assign reviewers to projects with the condition that the author of the project cannot be assigned as a reviewer to a project in their own portfolio.I created a dataset with variables...
View ArticleCan we scrap linkedin using python and without using selinium [closed]
can we scrap linkedin- job role ,company name, location, and respective job link without using Selenium in pythonI've already tried using Selenium, but it gave me a lot of issues. I tried using...
View ArticleFilter a CSV file that has text above column names that must be maintained...
I work with hundreds of CSV files that have three lines of text above multiple column headers..These files can be as large as 300MB. They need to be filtered down to < 1/3 the size in local...
View ArticleWhy deleting an element in a linkedlist costs O(1)
As the textbook shown, a linkedlist is good for those situations where it frequently inserts or deletes since it costs O(1) for these operations. However, a node of linkedlist doesnot contains any...
View ArticleSet tr color dynamically in blazor application
I have table which create by dynamically (store procedure return Datatable) and create successfully but when I click click event getTrnDetails(batchno) then I want to color <tr> for show separate...
View ArticleSeveral relationships in one model in Laravel
How can I save a model with two relationships in Laravel?I have 3 model:Model user: id nameModel post: id text user_idModel comment: id message post_id user_idCreate comment:#find post$post =...
View ArticleFacing error when dockerising streamlit app: NotImplementedError: docx2pdf is...
I built a streamlit app and am trying to dockerise it. In my streamlit app, I import the docx2pdf python library. I built the docker image and tried to open the app on my local host. However, I am...
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