Bison syntax not recognizing multiple statements in function
I am new to bison and I ran into a problem that I cannot understand.I have this test file as input to the parser:x = 2;function foo(){ function foo(bar){ local foo = 2; return foo + bar; }}and bison...
View ArticleUnexpected "\x00" : vite.config.js
basic-react-app@0.0.0 devviteX [ERROR] Unexpected "\x00" vite.config.js:1:346: 1 │ ...React/basic-react-app/vite.config.js";...╵ ^failed to load config from...
View ArticleHow to formate javascript code in ngx-monaco-editor-v2 in angular 17 by...
Hi my requirement is to make a function that format the JavaScript code, currently using "ngx-monaco-editor-v2" because its support angular 17, issue here is there is not inbuild method for format the...
View ArticleBinary Search Tree - parent node method incorrect output
This function searches for a key in a Binary Search Tree and returns the parent of the node that equals key. But for some reason my output when I call this function remains as None. My testing looks...
View ArticleHow does addition work in floating-point in np.finfo(np.float64).max + 1?
How does addition work in floating-point for this case?In [6]: np.finfo(np.float64).max + 1Out[6]: 1.7976931348623157e+308Why is there no overflow raised?
View ArticlePrevent Image Flicker During Loading in React Component
I'm working on a React component that receives an imageUrl and visualizes it on a canvas. The component intentionally adds a 2-second delay to simulate loading time for large images. However, I'm...
View ArticleIn intellij while creating new spring project nit able to see java version...
I want to create a spring project with java version 11. In project sdk i set jdk11 but on the next screen in the java version in drop down there is no version 11. It starts from version 17.If i select...
View ArticleGeotechnical Profile using jupyter platform
In the following code I have used matplotlib's line command to visualize soil layers. How can add another SPT profile to which will be along the same Z values but the magnitude of the value will be...
View ArticleSuperset Excel Export Numeric Values Alignment
Is there a way to have numeric values right aligned while exporting a chart as excel in superset, currently it's aligning all the values to the left converting all the values to text.enter image...
View ArticleIs there some way to efficiently annotate data for a custom spaCy NER model?
I am currently working on training custom spaCy 3 models for NER. I create the dataset using faker. I write templates with placeholders and fill the data in with faker. This is the script I used. The...
View Articleprint a __m128i variable
I'm trying to learn to code using intrinsics and below is a code which does additioncompiler used: icc#include<stdio.h>#include<emmintrin.h>int main(){ __m128i a = _mm_set_epi32(1,2,3,4);...
View ArticlePython Coin Toss
I am VERY new to Python and I have to create a game that simulates flipping a coin and ask the user to enter the number of times that a coin should be tossed. Based on that response the program has to...
View ArticleCrop Functionality using FabricJs
How to implement crop tool on the image that is loaded on the canvas using fabric.js ?I have a image loaded on the canvas .Now i want to implement crop tool where the user is allowed to crop the image...
View ArticleUnable to find a locale path to store translations for file
I'm trying to translate a Django app. I created some strings with {% trans %} in my templates. However, when I execute the following command in my app folder, I receive an error message:$...
View ArticleObject reference not set to an instance of an object when calling...
I have an interface for all social network services. Most of them are async task methods.For Twitter implementation, since Twitter does not provide user birthdays through its REST API, wanted to return...
View ArticlePrice column object to int in pandas
I have a column called amount with holds values that look like this: $3,092.44 when I do dataframe.dtypes() it returns this column as an object how can i convert this column to type int?
View ArticleAWS JAVA SDK get public IP of Task
I have a small problem. I am starting a Task (docker container) via the JAVA SDK. This is working great. But now I want to grab the public IP via the SDK and don't know is my existing code so...
View ArticleCall to a member function token() on null
I'm doing authorization using laravel:sanctum for the API. But, when calling the logout() method, I get the following error: Call to a member function tokens() on null. Please help me get rid of this...
View ArticleUnable to use GitHub Copilot on WebStorm (JetBrains) when behind corporate proxy
I'm behind a corporate proxy and unable to use GitHub Copilot on WebStorm.This is the error that I'm getting:GitHub Copilot is working on VsCode after using the monkey patch solution given in self...
View ArticleHow to display components using their selector in Angular 17
Right now I'm playing around with Angular 17 (Angular CLI: 17.0.0).The directory is structured as follows:/src /app /x x.component.css x.component.html x.component.spec.ts x.component.ts...
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