How to the display the next step for user who has installed my Google add-on?
I developed a Google sheet add-on which works on a template. After user has installed my add-on, I would like to display next step for user to copy the template as in the photo below:I looked up...
View Articlepivottable: drop down lists open in wrong position when we press the field...
pivot table: drop-down lists open in the wrong position when we press the field button but the position should be the same place when we press the field buttonmsg-sum-pvt-report.component.tsimport {...
View ArticleAdd aar package and sub-project to add aar in Android gradle8.4 groovy DSL
I want to introduce the common-4.1.1.aar package in the picture into the project. How to do it?I upgraded Android Studio and created a new Android project in Java language using groovy.DSL to build the...
View ArticleDigital clock not updating dynamically in JavaScript
I'm working on a web page that includes a digital clock and date display. However, I've encountered an issue where the digital clock doesn't update dynamically; it only updates when the page is...
View ArticleReactjs Swiper component slides order messing up when conditionally rendered
I'm using the Swiper component to handle multistep signup, with these current slides + conditionally rendering depending on the way the user wants to proceed, for now, it works just fine, but when...
View Articleerror: could not convert ‘total’ from ‘int’ to ‘std::string’
I was trying to make a currency converter from pln to either usd or euros. However I keep getting the errorcould not convert ‘total’ from ‘int’ to ‘std::string’How do you suggest I fix it and what did...
View Articletkinter tooltip quite always not showing in Windows 10 Enterprise
Trying the first basilar example import tkinter as tk import tkinter.ttk as ttk from tktooltip import ToolTip app = tk.Tk() b = ttk.Button(app, text="Button") b.pack() ToolTip(b, msg="Hover info")...
View ArticleThe map is initialized without a valid Map ID, which will prevent use of...
I am developing a React JS application in which I need the user's location through google map. First I am displaying a map on the Element, the element has been selected by the useRef hook and not by...
View ArticleHow to delay the form submission using server actions with Nextjs 14?
I have the following Form component which receives the input fields as a children prop: return (<form action={dispatch} className="w-full flex" autoComplete="off"><div...
View ArticleWhy are the dimension of the weight in torch.nn.functional.linear (out,in)...
In the documentation of torch.nn.functional.linear (, the dimensions of the weight input are (out_features, in_features) then...
View ArticleAngular router does not react to child of child route
I have the following router:export const routes: Routes = [ { // allowed for user with token path: 'admin', component: AdminMainComponent, canActivate: [authGuard], children: [ { path: 'products',...
View ArticleMIME for preview text in subject line of email
I want to show preview text with subject in subject line not the body of the email. before this I'm showing body f the email with the subject in subject line.I'm using the Golang AWS SES-v2...
View ArticleDeclaring a trait with 'where'
I see a trait defined like this:pub(crate) trait MyTraitwhere Self: serde::Serialize + for<'a> serde::Deserialize<'a>{}What does it mean? And when to prefer this way?
View ArticleR how to map shapefile polygons to csv data
I downloaded a polygon shape file (england_ct_1991.shp) from a zip file I downloaded here and csv file (england_ct_1991.csv) from a zip file here that I want to connect together. I added a new column...
View ArticleSupabase RLS to check the 'users' table's 'owner' column using auth.uid() but...
CREATE POLICY "Allow admin access to test table." ON test FOR ALL TO auth.uid()WHERE ( SELECT ADMIN FROM users WHERE users.owner = auth.uid() //auth.uid() = users.owner <--- tried this too );This...
View ArticleResult of maven build showing test run are 0 even there are multiple test...
why in result of maven build showing test run are 0 even there are multiple test cases executed in that build.Expecting result count should match with total number of test cases executed in the build
View ArticleLogic for getting latest filename with date for each unique index of filename...
I am still relatively new to Python and am struggling to figure out the logic of retrieving latest filename with date for each unique index of filename in directory list. This may sound somewhat...
View ArticleHow to remove blank row from my Matrix Visual in Power BI?
I have a data model comprising tables like Calendar, Products, Returns, Sales, Customers, Products Category, Products Subcategory, and Territory. Sales and Returns are fact tables and others are...
View ArticleChange cursor after two clicks using only html and css?
I know I can change the cursor with one click with the following CSS code:#slide-arrow-prev:active { cursor: not-allowed;}Is there anyway to change a cursor after two clicks using only html and css?...
View ArticleHow to customize Element Plus el-table
I'm new to Element Plus and have a little problem using el-table. Can anyone with experience using Element Plus give me an idea or something? I use VueJS and Element Plus. Thanks everyone in advance.My...
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