serialise bool? error reflecting type
i have a class like [Serializable] public class MyClass { [XmlAttribute] public bool myBool { get; set; } }But this serializes the value of the bool to false when the attribute is not present in the...
View Articlecom.maverick.ssh.SshException: EOF received from remote side [Unknown cause]
When I tried to log in AIX server, through a java code/application, I am getting the below exception, INFO: J2SSH:KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILURE com.maverick.ssh.SshException: EOF received from remote side...
View Articlejvectormap uncaught typeerror
I have been trying to get this plugin working for hours and can't seem to do so. I am fairly new to jquery so i do apologize if i say something stupid :) I tried following the tutorial provided on the...
View ArticleGetting an error in Spring Boot when i am trying to put data in database
I am getting this error when I am running my Spring Boot Application and I can't figure out where I am going wrongException in thread "main" org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextException:...
View Articleget first row given by a column value in pandas
I am a newbie to pandas, maybe this is a simple problem, but i can't catch it after searching a lot on google. How can I get the first row given by a column value? For example, I have the dataframe...
View ArticleEmail thumbnail URL changed to in gmail
I have a system whenever user upload an image, it will send an email to the registered user's gmail. But in the email, i see something like this, the thumbnail is not viewable.I inspect on the element,...
View ArticleWhat's the biggest BigInt value in js as per spec
It turns out (outer a bit of thought it's more obvious but whatever) that BigInt recently introduced to javascript has a limit:My question would be - is there a constant similar to...
View ArticleAccess rails console from AWS elastic beanstalk
I have a ROR app but it's the first time I am using AWS, usually I use heroku.Is there any way to run the equivalent of heroku run rails c?I want to access my rails console to update some stuff in my...
View ArticleProblems after Angular Material update from 14 to 15
I'm working on an Angular project, updated from angular14 to 15, but after I install the new Material package the whole project seems visually broken. Wrong colors, margins, paddings.The project only...
View ArticleSvelteKit use:enhance doesn't work and fully reloads the page
I'm new to SvelteKit and trying to build a simple todo app with a MongoDB database. I followed the tutorials and implemented a form to add todos like so:<form action="?/create" method="POST"...
View ArticleReferenceError: window is not defined in React Native project after adding...
I'm using a React Native project with Expo v49, and I added a Supabase call to read some data from the database, and it works on ios/android,But when I open the web version, I get "ReferenceError:...
View ArticleHow to fix height/view port issue for spinner loader
I'm facing issues with adding a spinner loader to a website. Here's the context:So i have an issue, my company wants me to add a spinner loader for a website because there is a slider that will need...
View ArticleHow to attach invoice pdf on invoice record in communication tab using...
I have customized invoice advanced pdf. now I want to attach this pdf to invoice record in the communication tab and send email to the customer when invoice record is created. Thanks In Advance!
View ArticleExtracting words from certain lines using regex in powershell
I'm trying to find words in a text file using powershell and print them into another file.Those words do not really have any properties that would distingush them among other words except for the...
View ArticleHow to check if a date time is between multiple time spans?
I have a cell that contains multiple time spans in the following format:2024-03-20 15:00:00&2024-03-20 16:00:00|2024-03-20 20:15:00&2024-03-21 15:00:00|...I want to check if a particular date...
View ArticleData retrieval to dropdown based on other dropdown trigger?
I have a google sheet with a worksheet called "Statuses". I also have a web form in apps script. I want a user to be able to select the parcel drop down and then have this retrieve the MAX value in...
View ArticleHow to extract Correlation of Coefficients table from models like glm?
After running a statistical model in R (e.g., glm, lm, lme4::lmer, etc.), I run the summary() command with corr=TRUE to get the Correlation of Coefficients table. It features a matrix of correlations...
View ArticleCharacter::IsEmoji not working for Characters with numbers in them?
I have a Java 21 app where I want to determine if a string has an emoji. I am using the newly created Emoji API from Java 21 but every time I have an input String containing a number like "123"...
View ArticleWhat is the difference between these 2 JavaScript functions using return?
So I'm learning JS, regarding functions and the use of return. Is there a functional difference between these 2 functions? They are both supposed to be BMI calculators. I've tested them out, and the...
View ArticleLogic Apps: Filter special characters from array
lets say you have an array called ips:["[\"","","","\"]"]how would I filter out the [" and "] out of the array.the array that enters the watchlist should look...
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