Why can't I get my pointer based linked list bubble swap to work?
class Node {public: int data; Node* next; Node() { //default constructor data = NULL; next = NULL; } Node(int value) { this->data = value; this->next = NULL; }};class linkedList { Node*...
View Article'IntlProvider' cannot be used as a JSX component
I'm currently getting this error'IntlProvider' cannot be used as a JSX component. Its type 'typeof IntlProvider' is not a valid JSX element type. Type 'typeof IntlProvider' is not assignable to type...
View ArticleHow to make 4 corners of background between A-div and B-div?
Couple of div background are transparent.but one div have border radius.How to make only background A-div/B-div.First, please see this imageenter image description hereI try to make back-color red...
View ArticleuseMutation get Uncaught Error: Rendered more hooks than during the previous...
When I reload the website with 1 component containing:const { mutate: hotelBlock } = useMutation(apiClient.hotelBlock, { onSuccess: () => { showToast({ message: "Change complete!", type: "SUCCESS"...
View ArticleCan't seem to blit() a font in to my pygame project
so I was trying to show the remaining time in my pygame project, from what i've seems it does not have any kind of syntax errors or anything but it also doesn't show what I need on the screen, here's...
View ArticleHow can I add a class to a block by clicking on a button, hide another block...
How can I add a class to a block by clicking on a button, hide another block and replace the text in the button?I spent a lot of time not getting it done, help.box-table { display:...
View ArticleSquare not moving
I'm trying to make a square move on the screen. I planned on doing this by adding int 50 to the x-coordinate variable of my square object:while run: pygame.time.delay(500) square =...
View ArticleI don't want 'gopkg.in/yaml.v3' to copy my parameters. How can I implement...
var c struct {Name string}b := []byte(`Name: Alice`)UnmarshalYamlBytes(b, &c)func UnmarshalYamlBytes(c []byte, v any) error { decoder := yaml.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(content)) if err :=...
View ArticleAutodesk Platform Services Access Token
Following Autodesk's APS 2-legged Authentication documentation, where I should be calling the POST token endpoint in the APS tutorial for the simple...
View ArticleCypress 'have.text' assertion coming up with doubled-up values
In testing an element's text content, the test seems to be finding doubled-up values of whatever the innerText actually is. For example, If I check if an element has the text content of "0" It should...
View ArticleAdding a Mountebank proxy imposter for graphql service virtualization
Has enyone used Mountebank proxy for virtualisation of a graphql endpoint?I've used the plugin:https://github.com/basharat-j/mb-graphqlBut, I can't figure out how to configure the proxy imposter.Do you...
View ArticleConstraint layout doesn't resize
I have an edit text that changes height, minimum 50dp and max 100dp. The edit text changes its height but the constraint layout its in doesnt. Causing the text to go off the layout. How do I make the...
View ArticleEvaluating a Recommendation model based on novelty
How can I make sure that my novelty measurement is good enough for the recommendation system? I cannot do an online survey or testing with hundreds of people. My goal is to input a product and with my...
View ArticlePerform Task from background Android (java)
I am downloading some app from google play store ( like background camera record , background capture photo , lockscreen take photo)but when i am trying to impliment same thing with my background...
View ArticleHow to stop Webpack from bundling server-side node modules
I am facing an issue with building and serving my Angular webapp. I understand the issue is related to using server-side node modules on the client-side or webpack including those modules in the...
View ArticleHow to open and close chrome tab using .bat file
so I have a .bat file which only opens chrome, so now I want to close the tab after a while.I did find a way to set timeout and close but..this is my original code for the bat filestart cmd /c "start...
View ArticleSystem.ArgumentException: The chip number 0 is invalid or is not enabled
I am a beginner of Raspberry PI for GPIO.I am trying a tutorial to test the PWM.Here is the code of the tutorial:PwmChannel pwmch = PwmChannel.Create(0, 0, 100, 0.0); pwmch.Start();int x = 5;while (x--...
View ArticleJapanese mecha film with kids, space scene, low budget
I was born in 2000 but as a kid I watched a lot of VHS and we had some really random old stuff. I remember a distinctly low-budget or old Japanese film involving adolescent kids running around and also...
View Articlecant install @angular/fire because of incompatibility issues
so i ran npm outdated and tried to install some outdated things there without knowing what it really does, thinking that i should update them.and this is what i really need. i need to install angular...
View Articlejolly me syntax error in c on linux debian cli inside virtualbox
this is my problem#include <stdio.h>int main(){printf("hello world");return 0;}denian:example# ./main.c./main.c: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token (' ./main.c: line 2: int...
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