Create custom Response when APIs path is wrong in Spring boot application...
Issue:I am looking for your help to figure out an issue I am getting. I have designed an ErrorRenderer.class to handle wrong API paths (HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND exceptions) and return a custom response...
View ArticleUse the return value of a function as the src of a image tag in React
In my React project, I need to send a POST request to an API, the API will respond with an URL, and I want to use this URL as the src attribute of an image tag. The following is the conceptual work...
View ArticleChoose a random subclass of a class
Suppose I have a class Letter and a lot of classes A, B, ..., all of them inherit from Letter.How can I choose a random child of Letter?I know it sounds a bit broad, but what I want is something like...
View ArticlePython matplotlib 3D surface | How to resize viewport?
I want to resize viewport to same width with fig size or change viewport shape from a square to a rectangle.[python code]fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,4))fig.patch.set_facecolor('#151C2C')ax =...
View ArticleVSCode Why is active code show as inactive in C++ OpenGL project?
I am trying to understand a C++ OpenGL project (github/XCSoar) using VSCode on a Debian Linux box (don't think that is significant, but...). I have noticed that the 'active/inactive' code block...
View ArticleHow to set base-uri for the Struts 2 CSP Interceptor?
Version 6 of Struts introduced the Content Security Policy interceptor which is in the default stack. It has a nonce-based attribute which allows putting scripts and links via the Struts...
View ArticleSQLAlchemy ORM query to return List of Children of a Parent Id if other...
I'm using SQLAlchemy Version 2.0Lets say I have a Parent table - Food_Category and a Child table - Food_Items. One-to-many relationship. Below is the codeclass FoodCategoryModel(db.Model):...
View ArticleUse Webhooks to get data into Hubspot from a scheduling app that Zapier...
My company uses Hubspot as their CRM and a software called PTEverywhere for scheduling and billing. These two softwares don't talk to each other, so we're having to do a lot of manual data entry. I am...
View ArticleI want to print the call stack in my log when my C/C++ program crash like...
I tried to use backtrace_symbols in a sianal handler, but now I know the function is not signal-safe.And there is always the backtrace in android log when the crash happened, I want my program to be...
View ArticleUpdating PHP CMS admin erases image
I was wondering if I could please have some help with a PHP issue I'm having?I'm a beginner and I've been working on making a basic CMS as a personal project to build my skills with.It's all working so...
View ArticleUsing git with ssh-agent on Windows
I'm on Windows. I installed git and posh-git (some helpers for Windows PowerShell). I can add keys with ssh-add and can authenticate with github and my webserver. I can also use git from the PowerShell...
View ArticleManage maven project version by profiles not by parent
I have a parent tag in pom.xml like...
View ArticlePointer events dont work correctly on mobile
I have this fragment to handle pointer events:container.on('pointerdown pointerup pointercancel pointerout pointerleave', console.log);It works perfectly fine on my pc, but it's different on mobile....
View ArticleHandling routing in Vue with Strip Connect's redirect link
Flow: backend sends o-auth link to Vue, user clicks on link which directs to stripe's form, after completion of the form it directs user to a URL I have specified. I have a vue client app that I want...
View ArticleMaven version plugin only working the second time
We have set the maven version plugin like this:<version>1.0.0</version><properties>...
View ArticleReceiving Incoming SMS post Android 8
Since android 8 the OS has placed may restrictions on how and when can the apps use Broadcast Receivers and Services.Background Service LimitationsBroadcast LimitationsTL;DR: Starting Android 8 the OS...
View ArticleUpdating data in table best approach
I have a table which has 10 partition and each partition has 100 million rows, I have to update one row in each partition so total 10 rows need to be updated. If I scan each partation for updating the...
View ArticleKafka Mongo Sink Issue - Monitoring.interceptor.connector-consumer-mongo-sink...
Key Issue :confluent.monitoring.interceptor.connector-consumer-mongo-sink-0] Node -1 disconnectedKafka is Confluent 7.5.3 with same suit for Connect , Zookeeper and Mongo is latest 7.0 . everything is...
View ArticleNot able to launch application in emulator using Appium selenium java
Codepublic void FirstTestCase() throws Exception { softAssert = new SoftAssert(); DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities(); capabilities.setCapability("deviceName", "Nilesh2");...
View Articleterra shade function not stacking different angles and directions with my own...
I have tried to replicate the las t section of the example from the shade function in terra with my own data to improve the hillshade with the use of several directions and angles, but the resulting...
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