Redirect website after specified amount of time
What do I have to do to have a function on a website where it says it will redirect you to the site in 3 seconds or so?
View Articlehardware transactional memory: _xbegin() return 0
By gcc docs: x86-transactional-memory-intrinsics.html, when transaction failed/abort, _xbegin() should return a abort status . However, I find it return 0 sometimes. And the frequency is very high....
View ArticleError parsing parameter '--expression-attribute-values': Invalid JSON:...
I am running the following queryaws dynamodb query `--table-name user`--key-condition-expression "datecreated = :d" `--expression-attribute-values "{ ':d': { 'S': '2018-08-15' } }" --endpoint-url...
View ArticleCould not move my Obstacle Avoidance Robot
I am newbie to Raspberry Pi 3. I want to make a Obstacle Avoidance Robot using Raspberry Pi 3. I connected my Raspberry Pi through putty for remote access. I successfully connected remotely and wrote...
View ArticleHow to Define Github Branch Specific Secret or an Alternative?
For example, allows the user to define an env variable which is bound to a certain branch. Whereas Github does allow you to define secret env variables, they, however, all have to compete...
View ArticleHow to generate test golden files from Integration test in Flutter
Is it possible to generate test golden files(images) when running an integration test in Flutter?I'm able to generate the golden files when I run flutter test --update-goldens which happens not to run...
View ArticleError: Method 'addPostFrameCallback' cannot be called on 'SchedulerBinding?' hi
how can I fix this error in flutter with android studio/C:/src/flutterSDK/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: Method...
View ArticleAutomatic measurements of polygon sides not working in QGIS
I want to use a style to convert a kml layer to have measurements on all size, kind of like:I'm using QGIS 3.28 LTE. I started by downloading the style from which is...
View ArticleComparing and Arranging data from a list of arrays
I have data containing [code] [status] [device type] in a list of arrays. Device type can either be A or B. The array looks like this:sample_list = [["C1-0001", "Offline", "A"], ["C1-0001", "Offline",...
View ArticleHow to consume until a delimiter - with exceptions (Petit Parser for Dart)
Fair enough, previously was a badly worded question. I'm going to take another stab at it.I'm using Dart's PetitParser to consume input. I want a lexer that will accept any string until one of a number...
View ArticleWhy can't I run my python executables in busybox?
The setup is as follows:I have a device with very limited ressources and busybox is running on it.With PyInstaller I have built an executable out of my python script on a linux system with the same...
View ArticleEdge pdf viewer - forms text overlaping
My problem is that when content is entered in a field it duplicate (not sure) and overlap, so it's unreadable. I only know the used browser is Edge but I don't know the version or the OS.I tried...
View ArticleMaven Won't Download Dependencies To Folder
I'm trying to get mvn to download Delta Lake to a directory so I can manually mount it in Spark. This is so the Spark application doesn't have to do a web request to mvn for security purposes, ideally...
View ArticleHow to calculate the midpoints of each triangle edges of an icosahedron
Am trying to compute the midpoints of each triangle edges of an icosahedron to get an icosphere which is the composion of an icosahedron subdivided in 6 or more levels. i tried to calculate the newly...
View ArticleGetting transparency for multi-band GeoTIFF in OpenLayers
Using this 3-band GeoTIFF:Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFFFiles: mb_p_cr.tif mb_p_cr.tif.ovrSize is 6196, 8003Coordinate System is:GEOGCRS["WGS 84", DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984", ELLIPSOID["WGS...
View ArticleClustered Spark fails to write _delta_log via a Notebook without granting the...
TLDR: Why does my Spark cluster fail to complete writes to a Delta table unless my Jupyter Notebook has access to the data location, contrary to my expectation that Spark should handle writes...
View ArticleHow can I implement internationalization (i18n) for my website using...
I'm kind of new to node.js +express currently am practicing on a website and I want to make it support multiple languages through internationalization (i18n). I'm looking for guidance on implementing...
View ArticleSpring streaming project, kafka DLQ ignored for Leyton version
I did some experiments with spring cloud streaming where kafka is data source.It was required to configure dlq and my configuration don't support it.So I switched on open source example and it really...
View ArticleGraphviz concentric joined rings
I want a graph that is basically just two rings of the same number of nodes, with the corresponding nodes of the two rings joined. In my mind, this should just be two concentric rings, something like...
View ArticleAllow a Stored Procedure to decrypt an encrypted column
I created a symmetric key in SQL2016 and then encrypted a single column in the Data Table (PhoneNo).If I run the following code the field is unencrypted and displays the resultOPEN SYMMETRIC KEY...
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