How to get a Protein Data Bank API Post to work
I am working through the example API post request at I submit the job exactly as shown below with the exact endpoint and query of their example but I...
View ArticleXcode is throwing compile error even if use #available for older version Xcode
Xcode14 is throwing compile error -When I use clipsToBounds property in Mac OS 14 with Xcode 15 it works.I need to run code on both Xcode 15 and Xcode 14.I added availability check, but its failing at...
View ArticleGraphQL vs REST frontend/backend balance of work
I've always worked on iOS development (Swift) with REST services, but I recently started working on a project that uses GraphQL.The point is, that I feel that much of the work that was previously done...
View ArticleReturn values based on dynamic expression in XmlStarlet
I want to get the text element based on the values given in "part1".In below example XML, I want Text2 and Text5 to be returned, because the values in part1 refer to 2 and 5.How can this be done using...
View ArticleTypescript - detecting type based on key when creating a redux reducer that...
Newish to Typescript. I and moving a project to TS and I am struggling to define the Typescript for my reducers when creating a slice using redux-toolkit. The scenario is I have filters stored in a...
View ArticleHow to prevent Qt slider from moving when it is not clicked
I have a slider, and I aim to configure it so that upon a left-click, the slider value is captured, and subsequent actions can be taken based on that value. However, in my current implementation, I've...
View ArticleHow do I run Code.exe in PowerShell and redirect errors when it is in Path or...
I have Visual Studio Code running on a USB Drive. I would like to run Code.exe from PowerShell with its regular functionality (i.e. usually opening files [e.g. Code.exe file1.txt file2.txt]) by setting...
View ArticleIs there a tool to allow me to check out multiple git branches to the same...
I vividly remember watching a video demo of a tool someone was working on about 2-3 years ago that would allow you to specify multiple branches you wanted to pull changes from into your current...
View Articleavoid Sheet desactivate until workbook is saved and closed
I have a workbook with several sheet containing auto hide when changing sheet.Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate()Me.Visible = xlSheetHiddenEnd SubI've put a button with macro to copy one of the sheet...
View ArticleR how to properly aggregate sum of numeric columns
I have a dataframe which has numeric values for Day some of which are Null.Category = c("New","Fixed" ,"Regular" ,"Fixed", "New","Fixed")Names= c("ab","bc","dc","ef", "sf","tr")Roles=...
View Article/sourcedir.tar.gz: Cannot write: Broken pipe
I am trying to deploy one of my code through concourse pipeline. The requirement is i will have a file checked in the git hub. While running the deployment, the deployment code should...
View ArticleHow do I undo the Disable macOS Sonoma Text Insertion Point (Cursor) /...
I ran this command in terminal that I found on here and it has led to my macbook laptop becoming very slow. It has now resulted in the system continually hanging.sudo mkdir -p...
View ArticlePlugin architecture and relationships in database
I have a C# application based on a plugin architecture. The base app includes two plugins, one for authentication and one for purchases.The first one contains the Users table:public class User{ public...
View ArticleGetting a "! Can't combine" error when running Purrr::map_dfr
I get the following error when running the following command game_odds <- map_dfr(games_eventids, ~ game_odds_func(eventId = .x)) Error in `dplyr::bind_rows()`: ! Can't combine `.51$odds`...
View ArticleHow to extract a table with subheadings and multiline headers?
I am trying to extract a table from a pdf using Tabula. However, the dataframe I get back does not match very well. I am not getting the correct headers and getting too many columns.The table I am...
View ArticleCompare Each Row between Two DataFrames of Different Size with the Same Columns
I have two data frames of Data that I'm trying to compare data to. (db2 and df2).Both have around 20,000 Rounds. df2 has more rows than db2 and similar data (same rows, potentially different rows). I...
View ArticleSetting build.gradle parameter via command line
When I build under some circumstances, I need bootJar.enabled to be false, and under other circumstances I need it to be true. I'd like to avoid having two build.gradle just for this (or some awkward...
View ArticleWeb3py: can not find ABI function after decoded
Here is transaction don't know why my script can not find ABI Transfer() function after decoded on Chainlink:...
View Articlepaths.env not being replaced in GitHub workflow after deployment
I do have a paths.env file which contains two variables. I successfully deployed my code to Azure, using the following workflow (for simplicity, only posting the build part here)on: push: branches: -...
View ArticleWhat Happens If A Container Is Created Within A Kubernetes Pod By...
I believe this isn't anything to worry about, but I can't find a definitive answer on this. If DinD creates a new container via docker-compose, and the DinD container is within a Kubernetes pod, what...
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