Laravel check property exist
How I can check existing property $this->team->playerAssignment->player in more rational way? Now I check it like this:if ($this->team) if (($this->team->playerAssignment)) if...
View ArticleDocker mount only works in interactive mode
I'm new to Docker and I am trying to use the mount options of the run command, but they're not working in my linux environemnt.I have an executable called transformer, whose purpose is taking a txt...
View ArticleI enable WebGPU in Chrome DEV, and it still doesn't work
So, I have enabled the #enable-unsafe-webgpu flag and I even get a warning when opening Chrome, that "WebGPU is enabled and stability will suffer". Yet, when trying to access any WebGPU example...
View ArticlePuppeteer selector cannot find the correct element into the iframe
I am trying to make work a selector to click on the 'search' button, I have already typed in the input but still without success to click on the 'search' button, it should be noted that the form is...
View ArticleExpressJS not redirecting configured PATH
I am setting up a local proxy to redirect specific URLs to another server, I am running my expressJS server as my main server, I have another server running on a different port... My express JS config...
View ArticleHow do I fix this 'roulette' function?
I need help with this javascript function that I can't get to work. I have to mention I am not a developer nor trying to be one, I am just trying to automate a process and decided to have ChatGPT help....
View ArticleHow to convert PyDictionary object to list?
I am using PyDictionary for a project but I need to find a way to see if the meaning of the word I am searching up the meaning for contains the word "greeting".This is my code:from PyDictionary import...
View Articlewindows .bat script to replace a string with a dynamic integer in it
I have an .sql file and want to replace all lines like this:VALUES (12,VALUES (24,VALUES (9999,withVALUES (NULL,I have tried like this, but the regex does not seem to work and the output does not...
View ArticleFiltering FORFILES in batch files
I'm trying to write a batch file to run on Task Scheduler on Windows server to delete some PostgreSQL archived files.Thought I use FORFILES and the following will list all the .backup files in the...
View ArticleNested loops forvalues in Stata
I'm tryin to simuate some data. To do so, I am looping the data generating process the number of times need. I want to nest that loop within another to change the value of a variable, but I'm always...
View ArticleLarge post data is lost when submitting to new web server from Android
I have iOS and Android mobile apps that submit data to a PHP web application. I'm moving the web application from a server running CentOS 7, Apache 2.4.6 and PHP 7.3.33 (mod_php) to a server running...
View ArticleuseProxy per page on puppeteer returns not a function/constructor
I am using puppeteer and I am trying to use a proxy per page, and I am using this package called puppeteer-page-proxyconst puppeteer = require('puppeteer');var useProxy =...
View ArticleDetect any form field change to update a date updated field
I'm using Bootstrap Studio 5.3 to create a page with a form that has 22 fields in it.One field is a "Date Updated" field that I'd like to have updated with the current date and time, any time something...
View ArticlePython Inferred class hierarchy [duplicate]
I come from a C# background. While learning any OOP language I usually refer back to an old smalltalk interview question I was once asked.How do you make a Rock, Paper, Scissors game without any...
View ArticleFirebase FCM send the notification with PHP but without link
i'm trying to send push notifications with FCM in PHP curl but the notification goes, is received, but when i click... the link does not open anything or even open the chrome/edge... Am i missing...
View ArticleTidyr equivalent for transpoing rows/columns and promoting first row (first...
Is there a tidyr equivalent way of doing this? What I have works, but I'm just trying to learn the tidyr functions. Spent about an hour trying to coerce chatGPT into showing me how to do it and nothing...
View ArticleWhy is my element overwritten in a list while using for loop? [closed]
I have a list in which I copy elements from another list (possiblePartitions). At the same time, I have created a second list in which I enter the same values manually (posiblePartitions2...
View ArticleWhat causes task.progress.observe(\.fractionCompleted) to behave very poorly,...
For a completely normal call getting a large file from the net,let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { [weak self] (data, response, error) inIn the past I've always added progress simply...
View ArticleDiscrepancy in Performance between rotation() and linear() Functions in...
I'm optimizing my C++ code that uses Eigen. I've noticed that when using Eigen::Isometry3d, the rotation() function is much slower compared to linear(). To show this, I wrote a simple program to...
View ArticleVirtual Inheretance
The question is - why static_cast can cast upward from IOFile to File, but can't cast downward from File to IOFile:error: cannot convert from pointer to base class ‘File’ to pointer to derived class...
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