Woocommerce - Stop redirection of Add to cart button (product page) to the...
0I have a similar problem. On my product page the click on add to cart button redirect the user to the checkout page. This should not happen, what we want is simply that another button go to cart is...
View Articleleft join syntax incorrect
I have the following query that's not workingselect * from responses a where id > 2 order by id, exam, questionleft join (select max(exam) as maxexam from responses) b on a.exam <= b.maxexam
View Articleopen the correct image on a carrousel
I have several image thumbnails in my component that when clicked open a modal with Swiper.js displaying a carousel with the larger images and it's working ok. but I needed to find a way to open...
View ArticleAppium Error: apks\settings_apk-debug.apk: No such file or directory
Since last week I suddenly got this error message with my Robot framework Appium script. A few days later it did worked again. But now it got stuck again:WebDriverException: Message: An unknown...
View ArticleHow does the code to drop privileges that is shown in perlsec actually work?
In perlsec, there is the following code that drops privileges (the line numbers have been added by me): 1 my @temp = ($EUID, $EGID); 2 my $orig_uid = $UID; 3 my $orig_gid = $GID; 4 $EUID = $UID; 5...
View ArticleIs Django (especially Django Rest Framework) really synchronous?
I know some concepts that Django (DRF) is synchronous and it has some workers, but I know little about this.I tried to verify this and created this view at the address...
View ArticleHow do I unpack/unzip a "(.TRS/PACK) TERSE compressed data (PACK, V)...
The files have a custom file extension that was obviously made by the program creator, but a file-type check returned "100.0% (.TRS/PACK) TERSE compressed data (PACK, V) (2000/1)" as the file-type.The...
View ArticleUnity keeps crashing on while loop (C#) (simplex method program)
I’m writing a program in C# using Unity to find the optimal solution to a linear programming problem using the simplex method, for my computer science coursework. Unfortunately I’m not very experienced...
View ArticleSplit URL In Js
I have a html code that contains a table with a form there are supposed to go names and surnames on the other hand I have the js that gets them and puts them in the url at this time I need to go to...
View ArticleUnity and Interfaces
Just testing some things out with interfaces at runtime.I have ISuitWearer and ISuit interfaces. I have Mario that implements ISuitWearer and MarioSuit, FrogSuit that implement ISuit. The idea is to...
View ArticleSet array keys to value of another arrays values
I have the following:( [0] => 3 [1] => 2 [2] => 12 [3] => 6 [4] => 8 [5] => 7 [6] => 9 [7] => 10 [8] => 5 [9] => 4 ) I want to use the value of each of those as the key...
View ArticleSporadic Selenium Chrome WebDriver timeouts starting with chrome 85
I have a few .NET Core automation projects using Selenium and running against Chrome. The builds are running in a Jenkins pipeline, currently running the tests on a Linux build agent.These tests all...
View ArticleInterpreting Dropped Frame In Chrome Dev Tools
I am looking for information on how to interpret the Chrome Dev Tools when it shows a dropped frame. The official docs don't seem to cover this or the Udacity course about request animation frames.I...
View ArticleBootstrap table using 'checkAll' method only checks the checkboxes in the...
I have a bootstrap table in my HTML5 page.When using $('#bk-table').bootstrapTable('checkAll')Only the checkboxes in current page r checked.How could I check all the checkboxes in all page?My bootstrap...
View ArticleTrinamic TMC2209 STM32 UART not reading from device
I've been struggling for ages, finally caved and asking for help now.There are very little resources on STM32 for this driver that I have seen.I can use the device with the STEP/DIR interface but I...
View ArticleHow to use textarea and change input size on node in react-flow?
I want to use a textarea instead of input and change the input size using a default drag icon on the bottom right(like photo below) on a node in react-flow app, so I changed the input tag to...
View ArticleMatrix Slerp but not around origin?
I'm trying to write a C++ matrix slerp function that will do a decent slerp between two arbitrary matrices to smoothly morph an object between two orientations.I did this by converting my matrices to...
View ArticleKNN Across categories in postgis using indexing
I have a dataset of points of different types. For every point in the dataset I want to find the closest point in every category. I can achieve this but the compute time is very long and I'm struggling...
View ArticleWhy does exiting Utop and reloading of modules not work?
When I start my utop interpreterand thensay #quit;;I get the answer Error: unbound value quitThe command#Topfind.reset();;doesn't recompile the ml-files, that I have changedI always need to kill the...
View ArticleTradingView Lightweight Charts chart changes width when zooming out
I have two charts, one that shows the OLHC data with some indicators, and another, underneath the first chart, that shows the ATR data. Frequently the bottom chart either gets rendered as slightly...
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