DI in constructor or [FromService] in method? [closed]
I am wondering what is the better way to inject a service. I have two ways in mind:This:Public async Task<IActionResult> CheckOut([FromBody] FooModel model, [FromService] Config config){ //do...
View ArticleHow to add the overflow over the entire page when the cart popup is open?
There is a very strange issue that I am seeing over my site that when ever I am adding the overflow: hidden; and background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); on the mini cart popup(when it is open) the overlay and...
View ArticleReactive operator to set up Timeout behaviour, but only once a certain number...
I have a scenario where I have an Observable sequence of measurements coming from an instrument, which only fires a measurement event when the value has changed by a certain amount.The underlying data...
View ArticleHow to make a multi-window or multi-tab application like browsers? [PyQt6]
I want to make a multi-window or multi-tab application that has the capability of:generating new tabsdock tabs in a window next to each otherundock tabs into separate windowssomething like browsers...
View ArticleSwiper loop not work normal when slidesPerView: "auto"
Swiper loop not work normal when slidesPerView: "auto" and different size img how to fix this? link codepenadded swiper, set pictures of different sizes, set swiper settings, and I notice that there...
View ArticleSuperset HandleBar support for array time Column iteration
I have a requirements to create dynamic table on the basis of array type columns in my data. Both array type column have the same number of attributes.Here Column D AND E which I pointed in my dataset...
View Articlefacing issue in pg database connection while deploy rails application in aws se2
Aborted (core dumped)rake stderr: Nothing written/home/hp/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.7.6/gems/sshkit-1.22.2/lib/sshkit/runners/parallel.rb:15:in rescue in block (2 levels) in execute'...
View ArticleCommonsRequestLoggingFilter not logging when override
The following code does not log when I add in the override methods. If I replace the code without the override the log works fine.Has seen in multiple conversations, I added the following...
View ArticleMerging two Pandas dataframes without a primary keys but using latest dates...
I have two pandas dataframes that looks like:df1 records the students and their mock exam score and the mock exam date:ID Mock_Date Student_ID Mock_score1 14/3/2020 792 213 2 9/5/2020 792 437 3...
View ArticleHow to change the Django default runserver port?
I would like to make the default port that manage.py runserver listens on specifiable in an extraneous config.ini. Is there an easier fix than parsing sys.argv inside manage.py and inserting the...
View ArticleWrite CSV file with double quotes for particular column not working
I'm trying to write a CSV file using Python's csv writer.One of the column values is enclosed in "" [double quotes] e.g.: 'col1''col2'"test". When I open the file in Wordpad, the word test is expected...
View ArticleHow to replace all occurrences of a string except the first one in JavaScript?
I have this string:hello world hello world hello world helloand I need to get the following:hello world hello hello helloIf I use:str = str.replace('world', '');it only removes the first occurrence of...
View ArticleCustomizing vuetify text fields and selects
I am trying to customize v-text-field with v-select but I'm facing some issues.I've managed to customize v-text-field - changed fonts, margins, padding etc. Which works nice, but when I've jumped into...
View ArticleLog Python Systemd output to log file
I run my python script as a systemd service, it is defined in the following .service file:[Unit]Description=MyServiceAfter=multi-user.target[Service]Type=idleExecStart=/usr/bin/python3...
View ArticleLaravel CORS -Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control...
I am trying to integrate Laravel socialite to my project, i am coming across the following errorAccess to XMLHttpRequest at...
View ArticleApp Screen freeze and Excessive Number of pending callbacks
After I have selected a place from suggestions and the data is fetched from Firestore collection or the Maps API (based on the search input box), it shows the place details in selected venue details...
View Articlehow to handle Flutter Rest API call error with Dio
When working with Nested json object or Complex json using Dio. Give me this errortype 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'String'My question is Null Safety is the first thing thats i am doing but if have...
View ArticleTrying to replace the letters of a word to underscore
So as the title gives away, I wanna replace the letters of a word (That you input) to underscore ( _ ) or atleast to something different.Now I have made a topic about this before and got some help, but...
View ArticleWPF UI NavigationViewItem make the color change when selected
Good Morning Everyone,I have installed the WPF UI Extension from lepo.co library, I have create the Project with the Fluent Navigation MVVM template.Now I would like to change the colors when the...
View ArticleGet the value of a field from the next row in the table using jquery
When I edit a row of the table, I have the index of that row. Now I want to get the value of a field from the next row. I wrote the following code but it always returns undefined.please guide me.Note:...
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