Binding data in SAP Build Apps
I want to create a test app in SAP Build Apps but I'm getting no data into my list items. The connection to my OData service works.Is it normal, that the response is in "responseText"?This is my...
View Articledisable browser back button in angular 8
I want to disable browser back button on specific condition, after implementing several snippetslike History,popstate etcscenario 1: its making the code not able to use back button for anything...
View ArticleI need to alter the input fields using AWK command - perform shell command...
cat test-file.log |awk '{print $1,command executed on $1}'Example - I am getting ipaddress in $1 - so I need to display output likeAddress | Reverse dns lookup on the IP |$1 - is...
View ArticleHow to compile C++ program for older version of MacOS?
here are my build steps:conan install . --build=missingcmake --preset conan-defaultcmake --build --preset conan-releasethis results in a binary that is compatible with only the current (last) version...
View Articlepopulate month-Year columns using given start date dynamically
I am trying to build a dynamically table with columns when we supply a start datei.e.Source Table like this:Income#recurrent incomeno of recurrencesincome start date11000052024/01/28The output...
View Article"'ts-node' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable...
'ts-node' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file is about common problem: the installing of the npm package to the project does not mean the installing of...
View ArticleWhy Can My Azure VM Connect to MySQL Database in Another Subscription Without...
I have a MySQL database hosted in one Azure subscription, and I can connect to it from a Virtual Machine (VM) located in another Azure subscription from a different region. However, I am unable to...
View ArticleHow to point an outdated master branch to the newest commit without carrying...
The repository I am working on was not maintained properly and the master branch was abandoned a few years back. I want to point it to the newest changes without carrying any changes from the old...
View ArticleHow to use `for_each` on a to be created resource in Terraform
I have 3 private and 3 public subnets, and I want to create either 1 or 2 NAT Gateways depending on the environment.So, for dev and staging there should be 1 NAT Gateway, and for production two.Since I...
View ArticleHow to loop through child nodes in xslt, requesting specific output depending...
I have an xml input like this :<doc><article><text><p> paragraph 1</p><p> paragraph 2</p><inter> inter 1</inter><p> paragraph...
View ArticleShadow DOM Selenium python
I want to get the contents of shadow_root, but selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchShadowRootException is thrown: Message: no such shadow rootI want to get all the tags "ul.syncshare-cm"enter image...
View ArticleHow to mock axios.create() with Jest?
Here is my Axios definition:import axios from "axios";import { API_ENDPOINT } from "@env";// axios settingexport const axiosInstance = axios.create({ withCredentials: true, baseURL: API_ENDPOINT,});I...
View ArticleUsage of if statement within loop variable in LAMMPS
THIS IS RELATED TO LAMMPS. PLEASE HELP IF YOU CAN.label loop_startvariable i loop 100variable sum_vx equal 0variable sum_vy equal 0variable count equal 0label inner_loop_startvariable j loop...
View ArticleBest way to implement generalised two-way communication with third party system
My application has some sensitive data and I would want to integrate with third party payment providers for making payments. Currently I have an API integration (JSON) with a third party system that is...
View Articleis R dead or still used by big companies
is R dead or still used by big companies if used why and why it is better than other tools for data representationjust i wanted to know cause there is no hype about R in any of youtube channels, on...
View ArticleWhat is the most efficient way to fillna multiple columns with values from...
This is my DataFrame:import pandas as pdimport numpy as npdf = pd.DataFrame( {'x': [1, np.nan, 3, np.nan, 5],'y': [np.nan, 7, 8, 9, np.nan],'x_a': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],'y_a': [6, 7, 8, 9, 10] })Expected...
View ArticleForeground Service works fine on dev build, but in preview build don't
I already has a working fine Foreground Service in a Android app coded on React Native + Expo (49). I use Notifee to create the service and shows a notification to do that.On my dev build, all works...
View ArticleAzure call automation with custom voice
I've created a voicebot using Azure call automation. I seek to integrate a custom voice, which I have trained and deployed. According to the Microsoft docs, you can simply use the endpoint of the...
View ArticleCall to a member function has() on null regarding ControllerTrait.php
I am Symfony 3.4.47 and try to prepare migration to 4.0So i created a full new directory structure and migrate my code step by step.The updates.html.twig is placed in the templates folderThe...
View ArticleCSS style to inline style via JavaScript
I want to add all CSS styles of a specific element to its inline style attribute. For example:I have:<div id="d"></div>and:#d { background: #444444; width: 50px; height: 20px; display:...
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