How to stop decrement by using function and useState in react JS
I created a card in reactJS for ecommerce app. Add to cart button and increment or decrement button also work here in same card. when I click increment button, they perform work accurately and...
View ArticleThe way to save Object field type to index by using ingest pipeline
I want to save the Object field typewhen I made a index without any option.and I send it in Dashboard.POST /test-index/_doc{"name": "name","birth-day": "1995-10-04","age": 28,"occupation": "Software...
View ArticleAny way to make a checkbox system to write out a list?
I am trying to set up a system on Google Sheets, where checking a checkbox will write out a list, for example:Clicking on a checkbox AB will add "AB" to 1 single cell. Clicking on CD, will add "CD" on...
View ArticleUWP background tasks: Does it run indefinitely? How to check if it is already...
From a UWP app I start the following UWP background task using BackgroundTaskBuilder:namespace Background.UWP{ public sealed class BackgroundTask : IBackgroundTask { private WatchLoop _watchLoop;...
View ArticleIssue in Websocket connection while sending audio chunk from server to client
ProblemI am trying to make an application where when I press the start button from the browser then, my media recorder will start recording and send chunks to my server and then server after doing some...
View ArticleHow to Screen record a particular ViewGroup (Relative Layout), which can...
I am making a view recorder class.Which can record a video(.mp4) of any view or view group(relative layout), and also record everything that is present inside this view group.I have looked into...
View ArticleNewtonsoft JSON error: "specified argument was out of the range of valid values"
I'm developing my game in Unity and chose to use the Newtonsoft JSON to facilitate saving and loading of game data. All entities are getting saved and loaded without a hitch, but the player data cannot...
View ArticleCould not add custom controls to storybooks in react-native
I am trying to add custom controls to storybook to switch the template. I get no error but I can't see the actions.export const decorators = [withThemeProvider];export const globalTypes = { theme: {...
View ArticleHow to ls google drive shared folders without elevated permissions?
I have a Google drive folder shared with me and have added it to "My Drive" as a shortcut. I need to be able to list and compute on its contents with a script without elevated permissions from WSL 2.I...
View Articlepandoc version 1.12.3 or higher is required and was not found (R shiny)
I have a problem generating a pdf report from my app shiny which is hosted on a server. the app works fine but when I press the button to download the report, I get this error : pandoc version 1.12.3...
View ArticlePHP/Sqlite3: Fatal error: Call to undefined function sqlite_num_rows()
I am getting this error when I call the function sqlite_num_rows. It must not be dependency issue since other Sqlite functions are working. I'm able to open connection and get data from DB.
View ArticleWhat is the correct way to install the delta module in python?
What is the correct way to install the delta module in python??In the example they import the module from delta.tables import *but i did not find the correct way to install the module in my virtual...
View ArticleShared element transitions between two activities in compose?
Is there currently anything that will allow to animate classic transition between the results list and details screen with shared element animation in Jetpack Compose?Something like this.I know of some...
View ArticleCannot change textColor of background events in fullcalendar
I am using v6 in my vue app with normal events and background events. However I want to change the textColor, which works with normal events perfectly but the background events doesn´t...
View Articlematrix with multiple sliding windows, an effective alternative zoo::rollapplyr()
I'm looking for an efficient solution (preferably C++) to replace this code:m <- cbind(x1=1:10,x2=1:10,x3=1:10)width=3rol_m <- zoo::rollapplyr(m, width=width, c, fill=NA)colnames(rol_m) <-...
View ArticleJava spring bean is getting created and added to the context but not @Autowired
I have a JavaFX application with Spring. I have a bean in a Configuration class which is being correctly added to the SpringContext, and can be retrieved manually, but it is not getting autowired into...
View Articlehbb20 / CountryCodePickerProject Country flag not displaying
I'm encountering an issue with the CountryCodePicker library in my Android application. When the locale is set to Turkish (tr), some country flags are not displaying. My app supports two languages,...
View ArticleTest fails with connection resolved from provider of AddDbContext but...
I am following this official tutorial.Here is my code:public sealed class CustomWebApplicationFactory : WebApplicationFactory<Program>{ private DbConnection _connection = null!; //...
View ArticleQGIS problem creating a layer with just road intersections
I have imported a road network from OSM into QSIM. What I now need is a layer of just road intersections. To clean up the road layer I used the processing toolbox and to 'dissolve all', then took that...
View ArticleRegex Pattern to allow alphanumeric and square brackets with text insde it
I am using regex to allow alphanumeric, underscore, hyphen and square brackets in a text box.regex i am using to validate input is r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\[\] ]*$.I need to modify the regex such that if empty...
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