Reading ntdll base address from the Loader Table yields an invalid address
I am trying to parse the import address table of NTDLL, I have done this previously trying to iterate over each module, but I was getting a strange base address. I scrapped that approach and have done...
View ArticleVSCODE Jupyter feature where, on "run all" or "run cells above", cells with...
Say my layout is- Cell 1-- Cell 1.1-- Cell 1.2--- Cell 1.2.1--- ....----- ............- Cell nIf I am working cell n and run all cells above it or run all cells from top and get an error somewhere I...
View ArticleExcel formula: how to find if a value is within a range of thresholds, & then...
I'm trying to calculate my student loan (lol). Below are the first few rows of legit data from my government, which don't seem to follow any pattern whatsoever.Threshold ($)Repayment rate...
View ArticleMy collider is not detecting collision. Unity2D C#
It does not detect collision. (I have been trying to fix this for 3 days now) using UnityEngine; public class Enemy : MonoBehaviour { [Header("Ectoplasm Reward")] public int ectoplasmReward = 10; //...
View ArticleJetBrains syntax highlight for jsRender/jsViews?
My favorite IDE is phpstorm from JetBrains but it seems there is no any plugin for syntax highlight for jsRender/jsViews.I have found only this support thread on...
View ArticleNest Interceptor brokes Azure Service Bus Integration
ContextIn my project, I have a gateway REST application and several microservices that communicate via Azure Service Bus. I also use interceptors to handle some cross-cutting concerns in my services....
View ArticleFacing a strange challenge with encoding Indian Rupees in Linux while...
I am writing code to provide support for multiple currencies in my project. Below is my method: Locale l = new Locale.Builder().setLanguage(getLocaleLanguage()).setRegion(getLocaleCountry()).build();...
View ArticleProblem with sending String to captive Portal on Arduino
I've got this code:#include <WiFi.h>#include <DNSServer.h>#include "gateway.h"#include <HTTPClient.h>// Variables for Serverconst byte DNS_PORT = 53;IPAddress apIP(8, 8, 4, 4); // The...
View ArticleAmbiguity in method references
Consider the following snippet:public static void main(String[] args) { Function<String, String> function = String::toUpperCase; //OK// Comparator<String> comparator = String::toUpperCase;...
View Articlejson android: How to read the online json format
I am new to android. I have a url which only has the json format. Suppose the url is- This url contains only json format data. Take for example this link contains...
View ArticleWhat is the difference between `.prototype` and `.__proto__`?
This figure again shows that every object has a prototype. Constructorfunction Foo also has its own __proto__ which is Function.prototype,and which in turn also references via its __proto__ property...
View ArticleCopy entire directory to output folder maintaining the folder structure?
I want a specific directory to be copied to output folder ("bin") on every build. I think it can be handled via post build scripts. But I'm not sure how to copy a directory itself. I know how to handle...
View ArticleSSRS not repeat subTablix header
I must finish my report.I put subTablix in my main Tablix,I want the subTablix header repeat onceBut I don't know how to do it, please help me, thanks.Before I run the report:After I run the report:I...
View ArticleTuring machine accepting words of "1" arrange-able into square
I'm trying to figure out following assignment and I could use your help, because I'm stuck. I'm not aiming for direct answer (but I don't mind if someone is capable of designing the whole machine). I'm...
View ArticleAdd a preference key to NSViewPepresentable/UIViewRepresentable in SwiftUI
I have an instance of a custom AppKit/UIKit view, wrapped into an **ViewRepresentable that needs to communicate some diagnostic information up the SwiftUI hierarchy. Since this information is not of...
View ArticleSetting ESlint as formatter in VSCode settings.json - what is the proper way?
I see 2 options to set Eslint as my default formatted and I'm not sure on the difference between these options:"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"or"eslint.format.enable": trueWhat is...
View ArticleLooking for a way to export O365 mailbox to .pst file
I do not think there is an EASY, right click -> export to PST for a mailbox, if you know of one, please let me know.Since I can't find an easy way, I am going to attempt the code route.I am looking...
View ArticleAdd extra data in a .zstd file?
I'd like to write software that attaches extra metadata to a .zst file by appending an empty file that stores information in metadata. If it was gzip, I could use "comment" section in header, but I...
View ArticleFastAPI upload file using path into S3 with bucket name and path as query...
I'm building a FastAPI endpoint to upload a file into a S3 bucket with bucket name and path as input parameters. When I don't specify the file path, the file is getting uploaded successfully. But when...
View ArticleSTM32F103 no startup file in IAR Embedded Workbench
STM32F103, Hello I want to use Interrupt on GPIO peripheral, I am using IAR Embedded Workbrench tool for programming.But IAR don't create startup file and it is necessary as I see. How can I import...
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