git pushes with wrong user from terminal
I have an issue with git and my terminal. Here's a gallery to show you my issue.When I push commits from my terminal, git says I push them with another username, that's a user from my organization (my...
View ArticleHosting frontend and backend on nginx
I am trying to host my AngularJs app and my dotnet core api on nginx but I'm unable to access my api, following is my default.conf in /etc/nginx/conf.d:server {listen 80 default_server;listen [::]:80...
View ArticleNuget package from specific package source on nuget restore step on Azure
The package I am trying to restore is both on and on a 3rd party myget. The 3rd party is a higher version (pre-release) that I want to use, however it seems to not even try to locate the...
View ArticleDeleting tweets with JS console
I am trying to delete tweets in the JS console on my Twitter page.If I do it manually by selecting the button and then doing a click, I can manually run 3 different functions.const delButton=()=>{...
View ArticleAvoid app logic that relies on enumerating keys on a component instance
in my complex Vue project I am getting this console warning:[Vue warn]: Avoid app logic that relies on enumerating keys on a component instance. The keys will be empty in production mode to avoid...
View ArticleHow to add toggle switch button to .net WPF application?
I am working on a .NET WPF project using Visual Studio 2022. I want to add a toggle switch button to my app. I searched about this and none of the solutions looked proper with my app. How can it be...
View ArticleChrome extension wants host_permissions to be defined, but they are
I'm developing a Chrome extension using manifest V3, and I want to be able to set an HTTP proxy in the browser and be able to provide the username and password for it.The error I'm getting is Unchecked...
View ArticleHow to Handle Window based popup in Automation using Selenium?
When I am trying to download a file from Browser. Download File location popup is displayed. Is there a way to handle this window popup using Selenium 4 ? There are 2 buttons in this popup 1. Cancel...
View ArticleHow to create 2x2 panel of Kaplan-Meier plots?
I plan to create a 2x2 Kaplan-Meier Event-Free plots for 4 different time-to-event analyses. I already created them separately but would like to create a panel of 2x2 diagrams in one page. Though it is...
View Articlehow to have next/save button inside a tab to proceed with next tab
Im new/noob to coding, I would just like to ask how can you make a tab proceed on the next tab once the user click next/save? and would it be possible to change the color of the finished tab? for ex....
View ArticleHow to handle real time price fetching data for crypto and tokens on server...
So I have written normal code that fetches the price of the token from coinGecko APIs and other crypto tokens such as BTC, ETH, and XRP from the factory contract of the pancake-swap but it is the...
View ArticleFirebase : Error (auth/network-request-failed) with Expo and react native
I tried to build an app with Expo and react native but I faced (auth/network-request-failed) issues, the google service is active on the device (simulator for Android and real iPhone for IOS) and I'm...
View ArticleAnsible passing variables to j2 templates
With ansible I am using j2 templates to replace files, and pass through environment vars unique to each environment and some shared. Neither the variables for global or local work. I have the following...
View ArticleConverting draw calls to Texture2D in raylib
I want to apply some shader effects to a couple of draw calls using raylib, but I haven't found ways of implementing shaders without a texture.I was wondering if I could refactor the function below to...
View ArticleAdd a buffer period to a Woocommece Bookable products only if there are...
I'm using Woocommerce Bookings and if I add a buffer to a product using the admin UI it adds the buffer even if there are no bookings for that product on that day. That restricts the hours someone can...
View ArticleNGINX Configuration: Redirecting /app to app.php for a symphony application
I'm currently working on an NGINX configuration for a symphony application. I'm trying to set up a rule where any request to /app should be served by app.php. However, I'm having some trouble getting...
View ArticleException classes implementing interface
I have a bunch of my application specific exceptions.For ex:ProductNotFoundExceptionOutOfStockExceptionDiscontinuedProductException......I think these exception classes can implement an interface. I...
View ArticleError :- lateinit property itemsList (ArrayList) has not been initialized,...
I am trying to create a story Book app with Kotlin but I am beginner and learning programing. and I try to create this app with local Json file (loadJsonFromAssets) with glide, in home fragment, but I...
View ArticleAxios GET fail, [nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before...
I run my backend smoothly at first, but since the axios won't to retrieve GET data from backend, i change the port to 8000 in index.js file, and then the backend server continuously crashed.This is my...
View ArticleTrigger DAG with config
Hi everyone, I am using Airflow v 2.9.0 on my Windows 11 PC using Docker Desktop, but when I click on Trigger button, I can't find Trigger DAG with config optionI want to pass input parameters as...
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