How can i import successfully bootstrap in html?
That's my code:<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="UTF-8"><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"><meta name="viewport"...
View ArticleNon-existent (index) file is overriding styles
Where can I find the (index) file as shown here? I tried searching the whole project document but can't find any of the defined styles inside this (index) file.I tried overriding it by using !important...
View ArticleOpengraph-image not uploaded when deploying Next.js 14 app to Heroku
I have a Next.js 14.2 webapp with App router and try to include an open-graph image by exporting static metadata in the rootlayout file:export const metadata = { metadataBase: new...
View ArticleRuby-on-Rails-3-Rails 3: Before filtering the management problem of the session
I am working on an application that will ultimately help my company switch to the universal registration/activation process to help support many products. When new users register or activate (using the...
View ArticleUbuntu 22.04 Open/Save dialog box freeze in every program.Help me please
My system infoDistributor ID: UbuntuDescription: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTSRelease: 22.04Codename: jammyKernel everything was normal, this morning open/save as dialog box freeze in every...
View ArticleJpaRepository.deleteAll() not working without calling JpaRepository.count()
I have 3 tables with 1:N relations, something like:create table tbl1( id bigserial primary key name varchar unique not null ...);create table tbl2( id bigserial primary key, tbl1_id bigint not null,...
View ArticleHow to download Firebase json file on new PC
I previously modified the firebas.json file on my PC and distributed it to hosting.I want to download the project on a new PC and modify the function.How do I receive the distributed firebase.json...
View ArticleError when applying function to a column in data frame
I had a label column from a pandas dataframe that had so many variance. I want to narrow it down by putting some of the label to another label I chose.The data is supposed to be like this (both column...
View ArticleHow can a large function with state variables be broken down into smaller ones?
Should the state variables be passed around as pointers or should tail calls be used?Method 1:func() { ... foo(&stateVariable1); bar(&stateVariable1, &stateVariable2); ... // result using...
View ArticleWhy are there no byte or short literals in Java?
I can create a literal long by appending an L to the value; why can't I create a literal short or byte in some similar way? Why do I need to use an int literal with a cast?And if the answer is "Because...
View ArticleCan you suggest good ways of generating URLS for viewing tagged content
For example, here on stack overflow the URL will give you all questions tagged with javascript and php.The system I have allows tags with...
View ArticleHow to cast type bytea to double precision
I have a database column which type is bytea. It contains floats converted as byte array (4 bytes per one float) and encoding is Escape. I'm be able to retrieve corresponding bytea string using...
View ArticleTable drag and drop (holding only one column)
I wanted to do draggable table rows, I found TableDnD jQuery plugin and it works fine $(function() { $("table").tableDnD(); });As you can see there: But I wanted to make...
View ArticleCSS Scroll Snapping, vertical not working
I used this article as a point of reference, in particular this working snippet, but in my page (the script below) the vertical snap scrolling isn't working. Why?.parent { height: 100vh;...
View ArticleFlutter localization without context
I am trying to localize my app in flutter. I created the needed string.arb files for the supported languages.Why does AppLocalizations.of(context) need a context?I simply want to access the named...
View ArticleDuring phonepe integration using Reactjs and node I get 429 error
During phonepe integration using Reactjs and node I get 429 error.. What is the reason behind thisI tried using the keys provided by them in their testing environment itself but it is also giving the...
View ArticleAngular SSR - How to avoid caching sensitive data
According to Angular, SSR will cache HttpClient GET calls:When SSR is enabled, HttpClient responses are cached while running on the server. After that this information is serialized and transferred to...
View ArticleTiktok client key
Developer application in tiktok app get me errorI follow the documentaion for link a tiktok account with my dev appHere is the tiktok's docI get this error and I note that the client_key is the same as...
View ArticleHow in user model with pivot to tasks to restrict to only uncompleted tasks?
On laravel 10 site I have 3 related tables :Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->id(); $table->string('name'); ......
View Articlehow to uplpoad excel sheet data in laraval 9 according to date [closed]
how to uplad excel sheet data accodring to datenot working my codemy code not working use this libryhow to possible buz sheet is complex and i m try many timeuse...
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