i need a detailed information to how to write code in robot framework for...
Can anyone help me how to write python code for mobile app testing using robot frame workI have tried like this can anyone help me how to write with new appium versions previously i am getting module...
View ArticleGetting error 'std::system_error' when executing on different machine
I tried a cpp program which uses threads on 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1265U and got no errors, when trying the same program on a container running on Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4216 CPU @ 2.10GHz I...
View ArticleDefining translations for nested forms in namespaced resources
I have the below setupclass BudgetLine < ApplicationRecord has_many :budget_line_items accepts_nested_attributes_for :budget_line_itemsendclass BudgetLine::Accommodation < BudgetLineendclass...
View ArticleVlookup / Xlookup / Index & Match... Which one and
This is Sheet1 with OrdersNotice that there is the same Ref ID DEF456 for different Orders !Ref IDOrder NumberABC123ORD001DEF456ORD002GHI789ORD003DEF456ORD004DEF456ORD005In Sheet2Ref IDOrder...
View ArticleCustom Date Format in Flutter CupertinoDatePicker?
I'm using Flutter's CupertinoDatePicker to pick a date, but I want to use a custom date format as Monday, April 10, 2024. However, I can't find a way to change the format. While CupertinoDatePicker has...
View ArticleSemicolon doesnt work in sqlite3 while following cs50
it doesnt workim using codespacesemicolon doesnt workim expecting it to run the command instead of making a new linethe command was select id from artists where name = "Post Malone";and then it just...
View ArticleHow to Set up an Online Remote MySQL database?
COMPLETE BEGINNERIm working on a small local project that retreives and displays data from my MySQL using phpMyAdmin. Now, I wish for my project to use an online and remote MySQL DB. I will be the only...
View ArticleIf the selected record is on the 2nd page of the Angular Data Table, can we...
I have an Angular Data Table that displays a list of organizations. It shows a maximum of 5 organizations per page. However, the default selected organization index is 7, which means it is on the 2nd...
View ArticleHow many Key/value pairs can be stored under one secret in Hashicorp vault?
I am going through Vault documentation, and it is unclear to me that how many key/value pairs can be stored under one namespace, one mount point and one secret.Are the below formulae correct when...
View ArticleCannotResolveClassException for ProjectMatrixAuthorizationStrategy
I was trying to restore jenkins on a new machine by tacking up backup from old machine . I replaced the jenkins home directory of new machine from old one. When i launch jenkins it gives me this...
View ArticleIs Python's gzip.writer known to be slow?
I've written a script to process CSV files for my employer. The processing is CPU-bound and the files are large. For example, a 3+ GB of input yields 6+ GB of output.On my machine the transformation of...
View ArticleKotlin check if Collection is neither null nor empty
Right now, I am using the following function to do this checkif(list.isNullOrEmpty().not()) { doSomething()} else { dont()}To me, I feel there would be a shorter method to achieve the same like...
View Articleopencv-python for Python 3.10, "Could not find a version that satisfies the...
I am trying to install opencv with python using pip install opencv-python but I am getting this errorERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: command: 'C:\Program...
View ArticleHow to implement domain entity and its business logic for dependent data
Let's say we have multiple stations and each station has many station machines and station machine can't exist without the station id.Each machine can have various sockets and each machine is of a...
View ArticleFacing SSL Error with Huggingface pretrained models
I am facing below issue while loading the pretrained model from HuggingFace.HTTPSConnectionPool(host='huggingface.co', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /roberta-base/resolve/main/config.json...
View ArticleI'm trying to use mediapipe.solutions but it doesn't seem to want to show...
Unable to install mediapipe via pip install mediapipe resulting in mediapipe.solutions attribute not found.I'm running on Windows and trying to test a hand gesture using opencv and mediapipe but had...
View ArticleHow to clear this error Realm Kotlin android!...
type hereimport android.util.Logimport androidx.lifecycle.LiveDataimport androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveDataimport androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelimport androidx.lifecycle.viewModelScopeimport...
View ArticleHow to add dynamic value in "data-row-num" by Jquery
I want to add (data-row-num="1",data-row-num="2",data-row-num="3") for my HTML table row.Can someone please help me to do it like ?<table id="example" class="table table-striped first-table"...
View ArticleHow to define overloaded function in MOJO language?
The code below fails.fn greet(n: Bool) -> String: return "Hello, 2!"fn greet(name: String) -> String: return "Hello, " + name +"!"fn main(): print(greet("hi")) print(greet(False))MOJO online...
View ArticleActivate Create Index and Drop Index for Automatic tuning in bicep for sql...
How can I activate the automatic tuning Create and Drop index using bicep?I've search and there seems to be this resource in Bicep Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/automaticTuning but I don't have the...
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