Encounter a cythonize error while installing py-earth
I encounter following cythonize error while I install the py-earth from git in an virtual env (python 3.8.19).What I did is,git clone git://github.com/scikit-learn-contrib/py-earth.gitcd py-earthpython...
View ArticleVisualization of audio data using D3.js
My challenge is to create my own mp3 player. I use a new FileReader() to read the data and place it in the buffer using readAsArrayBuffer. After several steps of data filtering I get an array of size...
View ArticleDoes Angular i18n support changing language?
my goal is to change the language from English (United States) to Indonesia with a button.Source CodeThe problem is the tutorial do not demonstrate the feature to change language.Why I want to use...
View ArticleCMake - how to link library
I have simple application that I want to use my own libraryThe CMakeLists.txt in the main directory is like that:project(MyApp LANGUAGES CXX)add_subdirectory("MyLib")add_executable(MyApp main.cpp...
View ArticleThe difference between Update and Attach (EF Core)
good time everyone.I have a question regarding these two commands.When the Attach method exists, where are we forced to use the Update method?Thank you for explaining the difference between the twoFor...
View ArticleError while loading MISTRAL LLM for fine-tune. Qlora doesn't work but full works
if I try to load the model in this way :bnb_config = BitsAndBytesConfig( load_in_4bit=True, bnb_4bit_quant_type="nf4", bnb_4bit_use_double_quant=True)model =...
View ArticleMeilisearch. Tasks queue got frozen/stuck
Heyo.Having a problem with indexing a pretty large amount of documents. It went ok for 95kk records but after that it just stopped accepting or processing new tasks.All of them were just hanging around...
View ArticleC# Sef-hosted ServiceHost Console application
I have a console application with a ServiceHost that exposes a URL.When I invoke this URL from a web page i get the error 'from origin 'null' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight...
View ArticleNext.js sending a response object/body with revalidating path from Server Action
Is it possible to send a response body/object when also revalidating a path inside Server Action in Next.js?This is my Server Action function:export async function addTodo(prevState: any, formData:...
View ArticlePython3 importlib.util.spec_from_file_location with relative path?
There are a lot of python questions about how to import relative packages or by explicit location (linked to two popular examples). In addition there is always the documentationHaving read this, I am...
View ArticleHow to implement micro-frontends with dedicated Native Apps Team?
(Asking for a friend ;-) )I'm working with Web (react) and Mobile (IOS, Android) teams. And I find that even with a microservices architecture we end up always doing duplicated work at the front...
View ArticleIs there a way to hide branches on Github?
I'm looking for a way to hide branches on github, is there possible?For example: I'm the repository owner and I want to have three contributors, that can't merge on main, but they can open a PR and...
View ArticleWhat is the fastest way to exponentiate real numbers? [duplicate]
Of course i know that there is a good pow() function in cmath(math.h), but not touching the background of the pow() what is the fastest way to power numbers with my own hands?
View ArticleWhy is my layout getting re-rendered in Nextjs?
I have a simple root layout in Nextjs (app router) that renders a navbar and the children below it.ROOT LAYOUTimport "./globals.css";import type { Metadata } from "next";import { Inter } from...
View ArticleAccess token not found in the response error in Postman
I'm trying to get my new access token with Postman for my application but I get this error in the response:Can someone help me with this?When I send the request for a new token I sent the request with...
View ArticleHow to rotate a group baced on camaras orientation?
I am making a game where you have a sword that you can swing, the sword is in a group with an offset so it is positioned right. I am trying to make it so that when I press Z the sword swings down and...
View ArticleChart doesn't resize when moved to a differently sized container in Chart.js...
I have two charts next to each other, the left one is big and the right one is small, each in their own container. When the small chart is clicked I want the charts to switch places so that the small...
View ArticleHow to substitute NAs value in a data.table from values in another
I have two data.tables. One has some NA values which I want to replace with the value from the same position (row / col) of the second data.table.I can do it for each column separately. Is there a way...
View Articleffmpeg filters inserting escape characters in python [duplicate]
I am running ffmpeg in python as a subprocess. I want to burn the subtitles into a video. Just using ffmpeg (commandline without python in windows) the following works:ffmpeg.exe" -y -i "input_file"...
View Articleframer motion detect what image is in view of an infinite scroll
If someone could give me some advice on this problem I have spent a long time on.There is an example hereYou might have to refresh the app to see the animation running. Using the refresh button shown...
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