adb: failed to stat apk : No such file or directory
when trying to install an APK using buildozer under WSL (windows subsystem under linux) I get:joachim@Laptop-MJ:/mnt/d/Joachim/PycharmProjects/takePicture$...
View ArticleHow to open custom url in a PWA on iOS 16.4
With the new features in WebKit 16.4 it is now possible to use Web Push on Apple devices. The function was quite easy to install. Unfortunately, however, I run into a problem. When I click on the...
View ArticleI am trying to plot a Multiple Correspondence Analysis Object Plot to fit the...
Below is the Python code that keeps giving me an error:AttributeError: 'MCA' object has no attribute 'plot_coordinates'I have tried everything to get it corrected my final resolution is to come to...
View Articleburger-menu bug with react (flickering)
I have a strange bug with the burger menu in the Contacts component in my spa. This bug is observed only by me and only in the chrome browser. Other tabs don't have this bug. Who can tell you what the...
View ArticlePullRefreshIndicator circle always displaying on jetpack compose
A blank grey circle of PullToRefreshContainer is always displaying even first time or after refreshing.Here is my codeval pullRefreshState = rememberPullToRefreshState()Box( modifier = Modifier...
View ArticleAppEntry Bundling issue when running expo react native ios app
So I am following the AWS Amplify documents to create a react native expo app.( )I have installed an api for graphQL (which generated...
View ArticleRegex case-insensitive search, but have output match the case in the regex
Recently I rewrote my program to find words that are made of chemical symbol abbreviations, for example "HErSHeY". I came up with this dynamic regex:grep -Pi "^($(paste -s -d'|'...
View Articlei am upgrade nextjs from 10 to latest showing some errors? [closed]
Unhandled Runtime ErrorError: Hydration failed because the initial UI does not match what was rendered on the server.See more info here:
View ArticleFailing Kubernetes Pod creation from Python script executed in Init Container?
Is it possible to fail/terminate pod creation from a Python script executed from an Init container?Init container:apiVersion: v1kind: Podmetadata: name: myapp-pod labels:
View ArticleAlign vertical center of View with first line of multiline Text within an HStack
I am attempting to achieve a layout within an HStack that contains two views: A Text view that may or may not contain multiple lines of text, and a Button. These are aligned with the top edge of the...
View ArticlePolars: how to partition a big dataframe and save each one in parallel
I have a big Polars dataframe with a lot of groups. Now, I want to partition the dataframe by group and save all sub-dataframes. I can easily do this as follows:for d in df.partition_by(["group1",...
View ArticleHow to create a big table like this in Latex, Overleaf?
I am hoping to create a table like this.My current table looks like this.\begin{table}[h!]\centering\begin{tabular}{|l|lllll|}\hline& \textbf{Z3} & \textbf{Prover9} & \textbf{Pyke} &...
View ArticleWhy is this function not awaiting the promise to resolve before moving on?
Before a form can be submitted to the server, it must await file uploads to finish and return their metadata. I imagine this is a common scenario for many apps.The sendForm() function is this:async...
View ArticleHow to reverse axes when plotting a Series?
How to swap x and y axes when plotting a time Series? Either by manipulating the Series or with Series.plot(). I know it's possible for a DataFrame, by plotting its transpose.import pandas as pdimport...
View ArticleHow to parse a string with numbers delimited by comma to int Array?
I have the following string with numbers delimited by a comma. The string is obtained from an Entry widget. How can I parse it to an int vector?from tkinter import *def key_return(event):...
View ArticleTrying grid in grid but I am confused how to get it next to eachother
I tried to put the "class additional div" somewhere between the "class div container8" but nothing worked it just stayed under the container.I got it to work next to each other in the additional div...
View ArticleLaravel Eloquent Query Error: Undefined Column in Polymorphic Relationship
the following code throws an error with WhereHasMorph and returns all data without the condition being applied, when WhereHas is used on the polymorphic relationship. Does anyone know where the problem...
View ArticleHow to define process noise in BLE measurement for Kalman Filter implementation?
What am I doing?I am playing around with BLE for distance calculation and asset tracking. To standardize the sensitivity of each sensor, I have devised a 1D jig. The jig has scale model train track...
View ArticleThe Genome Analysis with bash script
Hello guys I am trying to analysis the genome sequence data but the code could not work. Could anyone pls help me or anyone suggest bash script code to analysis them. I will use bwa, samtools and Gatk...
View ArticleGeneric type recognized as "any". How can my generic type be improved?
Some context: I would like to build a Dropdown svelte component that accepts multiple kind of possible items<MySelect options={...}Possibility 1: Simplest: Raw string value. The "text" of the...
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