Javascript promise chaining not working as expected. After going inside catch...
I have tried to implement promise chaining in Javascript with 3 simple promises. First promise I am resolving and last 2 I am rejecting. Till 2nd rejection it is working fine. But after the catch...
View ArticleEC2 instance attached to a load balancer later is showing Unhealthy status
I created a load balancer and assigned it one of the running EC2 instance. After creation, I navigated to Target Group section in the AWS Console under Load Balancing and when I selected the target...
View ArticleLoading progress going from 0 to 100 automatically without full load of scene
I'm making a progress bar in unity for loading scenes but the bar goes from 0 to 100 without stopping in the middlepublic void Loading(string sceneID){ screen.SetActive(true);...
View ArticleStripe POST req OK in CLI BUT how to handle webhook requests from Stripe -...
I am receiving correctly Stripe webhooks POST req but having trouble handling the request.Is there something I am missing? Console.logs don't print to terminal.Here is my code so far with the outline...
View ArticleWhat is causing a jQuery Ajax call to a Python script to throw a 500 error?
I have a website that has a jQuery Ajax call to a Python script. When I call it, it returns a 500 error. Note that the Python script itself works when submitted through a cron job; it is only when...
View Articlenalgebra matrix inversion in a finite field
using Rust nalgebra matrices of scalars in a finite field of prime order, I am trying to inverse such matrices; I though nalgebra would use my own Scalar type division trait to perform the inversion...
View ArticlePytorch: how do I make sure the model output is not 0 or negative?
I need to calculate loss on my model. The loss requires the logarithm of the output. This is for an actor critic model for those who want to know.I use a network that uses relu and softmax to make sure...
View ArticleExcel Button to add a cells value to another cell, based on two cell contents
I need a button/macro to add value of AG11, to a table on sheet2, however,Cell AB10 has values 2025-2028 on a dropdown, then cell AH12 has 8 different possible values,depending on the values of AB10...
View ArticleHow to reduce Wazuh Timestemp from 30 minutes?
How to update wazuh timestemp of wazuh alerts?It will collect logs from 30 minutes timestamp I want it to collect real-time logs right after the log generation.
View ArticleWhy is this trivial code requiring exception handling
we are currently working on an embedded system where C++ exceptions cannot be used and thus their support is deactivated in the compiler/linker settings. In this project, we get a IAR-linker error for...
View ArticlePatch call from another class
I have Processor class:class Processor: def __init__(self, session_provider): self.session_provider = session_provider def run(self): ... self.session_provider.get_session().stop()I don't want session...
View ArticleRenovate: Is it possible to group dependencies by registry URL?
PROBLEMIs there a way to group dependencies by registry URL (so that a separate PR for each registry is created)?For example I have:2 npm packages from registry.npmjs.org2 npm packages from...
View ArticleAngular 17 | Angular Material 17.3.1: Issue with Angular Material form field...
I was trying to add (blur) and (focus) effects to my mat-form-field input field, but it appears they're not functioning correctly on my end.Here's a code example similar to what I have:html...
View ArticleChange color using an if() statement in an interaction network in R
I intended to create a function to color my network according to three conditions ( = variable abundances), but only the first one is taken into account. Do you know where is the problem ? I think...
View ArticleString escaping issue with `mongodump` command in command line, via Airflow
We have the following airflow task: dump_table = BashOperator( task_id=f'mongodump', priority_weight=2, bash_command=mongodump_collection(this_table, compress = False, query = '{"competitionId": {...
View ArticleHow do I unit test (using pytest) the boxsdk Client?
Consider the following code that transfers a file from AWS S3 to Box using the boxsdk Client:from boxsdk import JWTAuth, Clientimport boto3import jsonimport osimport tempfileclass BoxTransfer: def...
View ArticleTotal times in a dynamic table is not calculating correctly
Good afternoon,I have a simple HTML page that run batch stopwatches, and you can log athlete's bib numbers accordingly to log split times. However, my total time is calculated wrong, as it add to the...
View ArticleAccessing a pointer stored in memory without loading it into a register
arch i386; syntax GASI have a pointer variable called active, to which I have tried to copy a register value in assembly. I have found out pretty quickly that movl %esp, (active) did not set the value...
View ArticleMake SCEP/NDES request with certreq
I want to make an Certreq request to my NDES service directly from the server where is running the Certificate authority and the NDES serviceKnowing thatMy service account is:...
View ArticleGenerate MD5 hash string with T-SQL
Is there a way to generate MD5 Hash string of type varchar(32) without using fn_varbintohexstrSUBSTRING(master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(HashBytes('MD5', '')), 3, 32)So it could be used inside...
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