SSL: CA certificate set, but certificate verification is disabled - Mac OS...
I upgraded my Mac OS to Sierra. After upgrading, when I tried to do npm install I get the following error:ECMDERR Failed to execute "git ls-remote --tags --heads...
View ArticleHandle variadic templates for general-case mixed types and non-types
So I'm trying to make a type trait that says whether two "outer" class types are the std::vector<int> is the same as std::vector<double>, I don't care about any inner arguments for...
View Articleamcharts Overlay legend on a chart
How can I overlay the legend on a column chart without?Would I need to use absolute positioning? If so, could someone provide an example?Please see the picture below.
View ArticleSpring MVC multi-part configuration
Trying to write a simple file upload handler using Spring MVC 6.0.6. A file is uploaded using POST, with encoding multipart/form-data. On the server side, the handler isimport...
View ArticleWhy won't Lucene.NET use an analyzer when querying?
I wrote a custom Analyzer for Lucene.Net 4.8. What I've found is that explicitly set queries fail, but parsed queries succeed, because -- it seems -- parsed queries are also subject to the same...
View ArticleHow to Create and Visualize a Directed Weighted Graph with Parallel Edges and...
I'm working on a project where I need to create a directed weighted graph in Python that allows parallel edges with different weights between nodes. I am using the networkx library and Matplotlib for...
View ArticleArray formula returns data from SECOND relevant row, can't get first row
I want to copy, from a source sheet, select columns (h,f,e,g,k) out of relevant rows (relevant rows have column B entry that matches destination sheet A1/"title")The formula I am using seems to skip...
View ArticleHow do javascript decide how to print a class name
I'm trying to write an inheritence logic where I clone an input class and inherit from remaining parent classes. In order to do that, I need to create a new class, deep copying one of the classes...
View ArticleHow can i change 3d model property with Javascript [closed]
How can i change real-time 3d model properties in Js runtimeLike change width or size and ...Not textureI think I will work with threeJs but I don't know how
View ArticleSQL Query OOM in DolphinDB: How to clear memory items of TSDBCacheEngine
When executing SQL, I often encounter prompts about low memory. How should I handle this? There is the following error message:Server response: 'select top 100 * from tb_stocktick where code ==...
View ArticleDatabase for large matrix [closed]
I am trying to find a good database to save a large matrix. The matrix would be something of a 3000x3000.The operations that are needed are fast reads of 1 specific item e.g. row 2 column 30. Another...
View ArticleCopy data of a line in front of the data in the next line
Have data likestart {data}target {ABC}start {data2}target {DEF}target {GHI}start {data3}target {JKL}....I wish to move the {data} or {data2} which are after the keyword 'start' to their next lines...
View ArticleHow to Find/Replace on a directory of files in VB.Net?
I want to perform a Find/Replace on a directory of Excel files. Open each file, Find/Replace, Save, close.This code works as a "one-off"Sub Find_Replace1()Range("A2:A100000").Replace...
View ArticleDetect which edge is in contact with floor - Physics Ammojs vs custom webgpu...
I use mesh loading from obj files using blender for modeling.I have one cube also in physics world it is the cube shape.And my physics works fine.Now i need to detect which edge is on top (dice).This...
View ArticleCalculating mean of coordinates for each unique value in large dataset for...
I am a beginner with R, but I have been analysing a large data set of GPS data, made up of unique individuals (name) (approx 100 unique names) with 1,000,000+ lines of data. Each unique name has...
View ArticlePython loop issue: setting up a finite volume calculation
for j in range(1, n): # time for e in range(1, i-1): # position T[e, j] = Tn_plus_1( T[e, j-1], timestep, rho_core[e], cp_core[e], re_nodes_core[e], rw_nodes_core[e], conduction_in( k_core[e-1],...
View Articleerror ''undefigned symbol: lua_rawgetp'' while trying to bind a love project...
I have a love2d project where I am trying to bind midi controllers with rust and mlua rust library,I have this file configuration :.├── conf.lua├── data/├── fonts/├── icon.png├── images/├── lib│├──...
View Articlei can not import PhoneNumberField
I'm trying to use the PhoneNumberField and PhoneNumber classes from the phonenumber_field package in my Django projectHowever, when I try to use those classes in my code, I'm encountering an error....
View ArticleMapping DRF GenericViewSet to http verbs via DefaultRouter
My goal is to implement adding a recipe to current user favorites list and removing it using Django Rest Framework 3.12.x.POST api/recipes/{int:recipe_id}/favoriteDELETE...
View ArticleSerializing data to json with multiple circular dependencies
I'm working on some code that serializes and deserializes a complex data structure.I have a data model in C# consisting of three classes: TypeA, TypeB, and TypeC.TypeA has a reference to TypeB, TypeB...
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