Equivalents of XDG_CONFIG_HOME and XDG_DATA_HOME on Mac OS X?
I am planning to develop a cross-platform script. On Linux and other operating systems, it will store configuration in XDG_CONFIG_HOME and data files (specifically, downloaded plugins) in...
View ArticleHow do I import CSV file into a MySQL table?
I have an unnormalized events-diary CSV from a client that I'm trying to load into a MySQL table so that I can refactor into a sane format. I created a table called 'CSVImport' that has one field for...
View ArticleWhy do I get com.google.android.gms.common.api.ApiException: 10:?
private void handleSignInResult(Task<GoogleSignInAccount> completedTask) { try { GoogleSignInAccount account = completedTask.getResult(ApiException.class); //exception is here // Signed in...
View Articleimport jwt ImportError: No module named jwt
I have been trying to run this projecthttps://github.com/udacity/FSND-Deploy-Flask-App-to-Kubernetes-Using-EKSI installed all the dependencies.I still did not make any adjustments. I need to run it...
View ArticleVPC SC Service Perimeter handle Google Service Accounts
I have a service perimeter created on projects holding Cloud Composer.The VPC SC Logs snippet are below,"authenticationInfo": {"principalEmail":...
View ArticleLiveData does not get observed / called in Fragment / Activity [closed]
I have a FirebaseMessagingService class from which I call SharedViewModel and set MutableLiveData as value true .The function written from SharedViewModel is getting called and mutablelivedata is using...
View ArticleHow can I add data values while creating/initializing the List directly in Java?
List<List<<String>String>> cars = new ArrayList<>();cars.add(List.of("1", "Silver", "3000"));cars.add(List.of("2", "White", "4000"));cars.add(List.of("3", "Black",...
View ArticleDiscord Python Bot nuke command partially works
So I've tried to make my discord bot a nuke command, but only the nuke part works, the cancel part doesn't work.My code:import discordfrom discord.ext import commandsclass Confirm(discord.ui.View): def...
View ArticleMount Google Drive on Google Colab with write access
How can I mount my Google Drive on Google Colab with write access?That's because I'm receiving an error when my AI model tries to update a file on Google Drive:Traceback (most recent call last): File...
View ArticlePowershell filebrowser dialog includes shortcut files despite filter
I run the following powershell script to select .ps1 files :Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms$FileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog$FileBrowser.InitialDirectory =...
View ArticleHow can I directly connect to SQL Server or Oracle using TMS WEB Core in...
As per the TMS WEB Core documentation, it seems like the primary way to access a database is through the corresponding REST API (XData) or Embarcadero's RAD Server. However, I find this approach...
View ArticleSimplifying this data structure: Rc
I have some data Vec<T> that is stored -- wrapped in some data structure -- in a HashMap.From this HashMap, I want to retrieve two types of copies of this Vec<T>:"real" (but lazy) copies,...
View ArticleSwiftUI refreshable never dismisses
I'm using .refreshable() on a List in SwiftUI. With the following code, I pull to refresh in an iOS 17.4 simulator, the spinner appears, and then goes away after a couple of seconds.var body: some View...
View ArticlebTerrform add s3 to lambda_function, "s3_bucket": only one of...
I'm trying to deploy a lambda function using s3 in terraform(v1.8.1). I named s3 bucket there however, I couldn't add s3_key as i got an error saying it is not expected there.following is my codemodule...
View ArticleCompiling basic Android app without Gradle - d8 errors
I wish to port a small utility I prototyped on Windows as a simple app. I use a 10-year old computer, so from what I gather tools like Gradle and Android Studio would run too slow for me to be able to...
View ArticleHow to insert values for the second time in a perticular column in mysql?
I am trying to put values in a particular column with the help of insert into but it is giving some error and when i am using "insert ignore into" then in output an extra observation in created where...
View ArticleMypy doesn't consider the if condition
I have a dictionary with different types, and in my code, while reading the dictionary through a loop, based on the type of it, I have different operations. The code is working as expected, but MYPY is...
View Article.NET Maui CarouselView Problems newbie
Hi I am sorry if this question is a bit newbie. But I have spend like 10 hours trying to understand how to do what i want.I have tryed a lot of things with CurrentItem, CurrentPosition, and a lot more....
View ArticleBLE: Measure Respiratory rate or breathing rate from bluetooth low energy Device
I want a Bluetooth low energy device that measures Respiratory rate (Breathing rate) in breaths per minute. I don't see any Service or characteristic in Bluetooth SIG assigned numbers and no...
View ArticleIntegrate openapi-generate with Conan 2 and CMake with proper caching
I am trying to integrate multiple OpenApi definitions that I generate with the openapi-generator into my Conan 2 and CMake based project.I currently have a somewhat working version, but the OpenAPI...
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