React Native useState Variable is read-only
I am having a state with a default value of true i.e. const [passShow, setShow] = useState(true). I am trying to show the password when the state is false and hide it when it is true on my textInput....
View Articlemlkit:text-recognition-chinese Not working properly
Describe the bugPackage into apk through bundling and packaging. When running the AndroidTest case, an exception occurs and the focus cannot be moved....
View ArticleC programming in CodeBlocks, need the answers until wednesday
can someone please write the codes for these? Maybe if someone could reach out and explain it to me would be great. Thanks for the answers!Write a program that reads an input number of real values n (1...
View ArticleIssues remapping keys for commenting using Comment.nvim in Neovim
I'm trying to remap the gcc command to Ctrl+/ using the Comment.nvim plugin in Neovim. Despite my efforts, the remapping doesn't seem to work, and I'm unable to bind gcc to Ctrl+/ or any other...
View ArticleHow to fetch events from iCloud calendar in laravel website
I am making system in laravel in which I need that user sync his apple account and then all events of that user fetched. Help me in this regard ASAP. Tell me complete details so that i can resolve my...
View Articleon input event not working properly for input tag which input tag is in the...
enter image description herethis is summernote and in the summmernote editor input, but when I insert value in input tag then call on input event for fill input value attribute, now my issue is that if...
View ArticleHash:check() doesn't return result expected Laravel 10
I'm traing to check a password validation without do login in a Laravel 10 project, but the function 'check' returns false, moreover, I can do login with the same password. I Don't know why return...
View ArticleTrack the logs generated during the processing of a request in Spring boot
In my Spring application, I want to return the logs generated when processing the application as part of the response if a debug request param is set to true. How do I capture the logs specific to that...
View Articlewhy can’t I use pLast to access a field of the Data class via ->
why can’t I use pLast to access a field of the Data class via operator ->. template<typename _Ty> class Data { public: Data(_Ty _data) : pNext(nullptr), pPrev(nullptr), data(_data) {}; ~Data()...
View ArticleHow do I make the first letter of a string uppercase in JavaScript?
How do I make the first character of a string uppercase if it's a letter, but not change the case of any of the other letters?For example:"this is a test"→"This is a test""the Eiffel Tower"→"The Eiffel...
View ArticleFixing Xcode 9 issue: "iPhone is busy: Preparing debugger support for iPhone"
I'm looking for more information on the message below. Xcode 9 seems to be hanging for a couple minutes already...How can I tell Xcode 9 to quickly recognize my previously used device updated to iOS...
View ArticleDoes WildFly use jakarta.* api or are the javax.* apis still compatible
I've updated my project from Java 11 to 17 and accordingly I had to update my WildFly version from 15 to 25 because the WAR of Java 17 is not compatible with WildFly 15. Question is, do I have to...
View ArticleIs there a corresponding Azure DevOps REST Api for ManualValidation task?
ManualValidation task was introduced for the YAML pipeline.Anyone aware if there is a corresponding REST API for that?I can see there is a REST API dedicated for ManualInterventions but that was more...
View ArticleIssue Installing TensorFlow or PyTorch
I am trying to Install TensorFlow or PyTorch. I tried doing in a normal project and also a virtual project. These are the errors I get and I tried many different versions and reading documentation.pip...
View ArticleAngular | Receiving index.html when using proxy
Im learning Angular, and when i try to use proxy, still getting index.htmlI am using proxy as below{"/api/*": {"target": "http://localhost:8080/v1/api/playground","secure": false,"pathRewrite":...
View ArticleI am trying to connect my Aiven database to python using the SQLalchemy module
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, textdb_connection_str = "mysql+pymysql://user:pass@some_mariadb/dbname?charset=utf8mb4"#Don't worry while running the code , I had replaced all the values in the...
View ArticleUsing @extends in Laravel Blade adds an extra space on my blade template
Here's my code.base.blade.php<div class="container-fluid"><div class="row">...
View ArticleHow to access an instance variable in another class in python
I am writing a program that is utilizing multiple classes. I have one class that is dedicated to determining values for a set of variables and a py file have an instance of class login. I would then...
View ArticleFOP pdf generation : fo:inline border overlapping issue
While generating pdf using xsl:fo,I am getting overlapping border with fo:inline tag.I am using apache-xmlgraphics-fop version 2.7.Here is a code snippet<fo:block margin-top="4px"><fo:inline...
View ArticleIssue with Scraping Insurance Data Using Selenium and Chrome Webdriver on...
I'm trying to automate data retrieval from a portal using Selenium and Chrome WebDriver. The data includes Insurance Company name, Patient name, Claim number, claimed and approved amount, Status, date...
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