Large Excel files with many sheets merging with python code
I'm trying to merge several excel files(.xlsx) into one .xlsx file.Each file has approximately 100 sheets. When merging excel files, I want those sheets seperately.For example, 'excel_1.xlsx' has sheet...
View ArticleFind out if list-element is unique [duplicate]
I have a list of strings.List <String> lst = new ArrayList <String> ();lst.add ("abc");lst.add ("123");lst.add ("cba");lst.add ("abc");How to find out with streams - and without doing it...
View ArticleGoogle Sheet : Using IMPORTRANGE on a list of URLs that return multirow ranges
I am trying to create a document that will receive multiple URLs over the time of Googhe Sheet files, where I want to use IMPORTRANGE to extract the same range everytime. I want it to work without...
View ArticleOverlapping Constraint Layout: Buttons not clickable
I want to create a dynamic layout, in the mean that the parallel aligned piecharts (black circles) will be transformed into a diagonal alignment. And to give it even more height I want to wrap the...
View ArticlePuppeteer web scraper inconsistent error: sometimes got undefined/null as...
I'm trying to scrape data from a website using Puppeteer, the program was running in a loop with 30s interval between each execution. Sometimes it runs perfectly for around 1-3 iterations then out of...
View ArticleHow do I disable wheel scroll history command in screen
The command for scrolling through the mouse wheel history is causing me annoyance.
View ArticlePosition Attribute is not working in outlook
I am working on a mailer template in HTML CSS where i need to move one div to top of an image so i used position relative nd moved to top in browser and it is not working in outlookI used as the...
View Articleokd console and api are unreachable
"Hello,I have an OKD (OpenShift) cluster with a certificate that I made for the API access, allowing HTTPS access to my console. I experienced several power outages that led me to restart the VMs...
View ArticlePerforming multiple data insertions into a room with a single button onClick
I am trying to insert data into three different tables when a button is pressed by the user and onClick is called. What I have observed is that all three insertions never work, but if I remove any of...
View Article็How to get image from odoo12 for external web
I want to get image from Odoo to public web. I tried get any url from controller of odoo but it did not work.I am using Odoo12 as the web backend for setting values, and there is an public website that...
View ArticleHow can I use old style task names with the new gulp task api?
According to the new way to create tasks is not gulp.task("xyz" ...) but instead use = build;The problem with this approach is, that I can't use old...
View ArticleDownload Newest Windows 11x64 CUs for: System & .NET Framework with...
I'm trying to create automation script for download last offline versions of Windows Update CUs for Windows11 23H2 x64 (.msu installation files).I created PowerShell code for that based on that...
View ArticleAmazon LEX throwing error while communicating with Lambda
I have been struggling to integrate a logic in LEX using lambda from the past 3 days and it keeps on throwing me the same error. I have read the AWS documentation for the Lex V2 and have (to the best...
View ArticleHow to Override Spline Rotation for Player-Controlled Car in Racing Game?
I'm developing a car racing game in Unity using Dreamteck Splines from the Asset Store for track generation.Currently, the car automatically follows the spline's rotation and position based on speed,...
View ArticleI can't add text to "Message" in VS Code when committing to Git [closed]
When I try to commit in VS Code it fails after a bit saying:In VS Code, I click "Commit" but then I can't type anything in the box. The cursor goes up there, but does not allow me to type. Any ideas?A...
View ArticleFLTFirebaseMessaging: An error occurred while calling method Messaging#getToken
we are enabling push notification with firebase in our Flutter app, but it's returning this error on my real device when I want to sign in. I don't know where is the error, and it's happening only with...
View ArticlePublic request through odoo controller does throw an error: ValueError:...
I am trying to add a controller in odoo code that does accept few values to create a lead.My controller code is:@http.route('/v1/sg/book_a_demo', type='json', auth='none', methods=['POST', 'OPTIONS'],...
View ArticleChanging the color of points in Highcharts using
I have a map I created using the Highcharts map module. I am trying to make it so that when you select a point, it changes color and then returns to its original color when no longer selected. Despite...
View ArticleUsing FormSet to editing a array of same form in django
My requirement here is to enable user to add description and remark against multiple files uploaded earlier.I am using formset to display a set of partial field data of a model 'medical_doc'. I am new...
View ArticleUsing get_tree to create a timer but it's not activating
I'm working on creating Pong and I have two RayCast2Ds on the left and right side of the arena. I have it so whenever one of the RayCast gets hit, the ball resets back to the middle of the arena and...
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