I have successive pointcloud-data
coming frame by frame from my time-of-flight camera, and I want to display it with Python 3.10, and the open3d
The goal is to show the incoming data as a live preview of the camera. This works well with the manufacturer py-script which uses the asyncio
-library as the frames are awaitables.
However, my problem is the following:
This script uses the o3d.visualization.Visualizer.add_geometry(pcd,True)
command from the o3d library after creating a window. I can use my mouse in the window to adjust the view and use ctrl+c to copy the current view status into the clipboard. Using the mouse every time to set the view status is cumbersome as there will always be differences in the views I get. I would like to get the same view status every time I open the window to get comparable results.
So, does anyone know how to set the view status after the o3d.visualization.Visualizer.add_geometry(pcd,True)
has been started?
pcd ... my point cloud data
as shown in the open3d doc the view status can be copied which yields in my case:
{"class_name" : "ViewTrajectory","interval" : 29,"is_loop" : false,"trajectory" : [ {"boundingbox_max" : [ 2.4493699073791504, 1.9389574527740479, 2.1757895946502686 ],"boundingbox_min" : [ -2.5847299098968506, -1.8458751440048218, 0.0 ],"field_of_view" : 60.0,"front" : [ 0.16044233442547645, 0.064093449935902075, -0.9849620738888466 ],"lookat" : [ 0.14832833824513739, -0.30275783432427361, 1.1003512211054685 ],"up" : [ 0.0019829908400814389, -0.99790843426770126, -0.064612882343332012 ],"zoom" : 0.29999999999999993 } ],"version_major" : 1,"version_minor" : 0}
Now I can use this information to display the pointcloud
with the command o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([ pcd], zoom=0.29999999999999993, front=[ 0.16044233442547645, 0.064093449935902075, -0.9849620738888466 ], ... , height=1080)
. This works fine.
But this is the command "o3d.visualization.draw_geometries" and not "o3d.visualization.Visualizer.add_geometry" as before.
So does anyone know if such view status arguments can also be handed to the latter command or how to update the view after the pointcloud was loaded with .add_geometry ?
I came across o3d.visualization.Visualizer.get_view_control
and o3d.visualization.Visualizer.update_renderer
but didn't know how to use them.
Thanks a lot in advance.