I'm working with ABP framework, I have an issue with abp version 5 and above. When I make a request to an endpoint and I'm not authorized, the response code is 401 which is what I expect, but the response body is empty. At first I suspected that this is the normal behavior and I need to handle the exception myself, but then I found in the app logs that the response I'm looking for is being logged but not returned.
The logs is showing:
[01:18:04 WRN] ---------- RemoteServiceErrorInfo ----------{"code": "Volo.Authorization:010001","message": "Authorization failed! Given policy has not granted.","details": null,"data": {},"validationErrors": null}[01:18:04 WRN] Exception of type 'Volo.Abp.Authorization.AbpAuthorizationException' was thrown.Volo.Abp.Authorization.AbpAuthorizationException: Exception of type 'Volo.Abp.Authorization.AbpAuthorizationException' was thrown.
In the earlier versions of ABP (4.4.4 and before), this response was being returned normally.
I've tried handling the exception but I then saw that it is being catched somewhere in the framework. Not sure if this could be related to OpenIdDict, as in the earlier versions the abp was using IdentityServer.