I want to change the standard logging output format on ROS1/Noetic running on Ubuntu 20.04 server.
Ideally I would like to have a no-code solution where I can control it via an environment variable or a .launch file.
I have been chasing my tail on this, as nothing seems to work.
One solution involved installing rosconsole so that there would be a python package called roslog to import. As far as I can tell the package rosconsole does not include such a python package.
Another solution involved editing this file: /opt/ros/noetic/etc/ros/python_logging.conf but when I change it and restart Roscoe etc. the effect is not seen.
The change I want is just more concise logging messages (without the long numeric field which I think is a time stamp and a process number, but whatever it is, it is not useful to me right now.)
Any pointers would be appreciated!