I have two Java Entites Obj and Trt for two tables in DB obj ( ID, ID_TRT,...) and trt(ID,...) defined as following:
@MappedEntity("obj")public class ObjEntity{...private TrtEntity trt;...@Nullable @MappedProperty("ID_TRT") @JoinColumn(name ="ID_TRT") @Relation(value = Relation.Kind.MANY_TO_ONE) public TraitementEntity getTrt() { return trt; } public void setTrt(final TrtEntity trt) { this.trt= trt; }...}@MappedEntity("trt")public class TrtEntity{private Long id;private List<ObjEntity> objs;....@Relation(value = Relation.Kind.ONE_TO_MANY, mappedBy = "trt", cascade = { Relation.Cascade.ALL }) public List<ObjEntity> getObjs() { return objs; }...}
In a class, we call a method ObjRepository.findAll(...), which should execute the following SQL query:
select ID, ID_TRT, .... from obj where ...
Sometimes we get this query, but sometimes we have :
select ID, TRT_ID, .... from obj where ...
The problem is that ID_TRT becomes TRT_ID in generated query by Micronaut Data
Any idea?