I have 3 node K8S cluster, I have created 3 replica pods on which application - app1 is running on all the pods, I have established service by running service yaml file and I can see my cluster-Ip created by running kubectl get service
When I try to do curl from one of the node I am getting " curl: (7) Failed to connect - failed to connect" when I try to curl inside the pod I am getting ... "command terminated with exit code 7"
Commands Ran:
kubectl run kubia --image=kubia --port=8080 --generator=run/v1
kubectl scale rc kubia --replicas=3
Manifest file used:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: kubia
spec: ports:
- port: 80
targetPort: 8080.
selector: app: kubia
Can any body help me on this.Thanks