The Tekton pipeline was working fine until the migration to Jammy. The only pipeline code changed was the image builder name.
- On the "task-build-packs" the "prepare" step works fine and I can see the permissions being applied:
> Setting permissions on '/workspace/cache'...> Setting permissions on '/tekton/home'...> Setting permissions on '/layers'...> Setting permissions on '/workspace/source'...> Parsing additional configuration...-> Parsing env variables...> Processing any environment variables...--> Creating 'env' directory: /platform/env--> Writing /platform/env/BP_NATIVE_IMAGE...--> Writing /platform/env/BP_JVM_VERSION...--> Writing /platform/env/BP_GRADLE_BUILD_ARGUMENTS...--> Writing /platform/env/BP_GRADLE_BUILT_ARTIFACT...--> Writing /platform/env/REPOSITORY_NAME...--> Writing /platform/env/REPOSITORY_URL...--> Writing /platform/env/REPOSITORY_USERNAME...--> Writing /platform/env/REPOSITORY_PASSWORD...
- Then the second task "create" fails with the error below:
2024/02/10 19:44:47 warning: unsuccessful cred copy: ".docker" from "/tekton/creds" to "/": unable to create destination directory: mkdir /.docker: permission deniedERROR: failed to set environment for user 1000: user: unknown userid 1000