Dear AzureWebPubSub users, I was following this document to fetch the client access token for Azure WebPubSub and it returned me a JWT token and on decoding it was:-
{"alg": "HS256","kid": "s-5acf1aac-944d-43a6-b107-dcb529eb11fb","typ": "JWT"}.{"sub": "5753","nbf": 1707417893,"exp": 1707421493,"iat": 1707417893,"iss": "","aud": "https://<my-pubsub-instance><hub_name>"}
I send POST request, url was:-
But when my client connects with the Azure WebPubSub Service, following are the messages/logs received on live trace tool
Request started.
Connection started
Received a message [260303712814104577] from client connection SCBwg74LmXFrl8tE-3xXqgmSET3gK02.
Failed to send message [260303712814104577]: The client does not have permission to join group 'Organization_1108'..
Could anyone please help me in resolving this issue? What wrong I am doing while generating the access token for the client?