I am new to manim and am employing the use of updater functions to change the size of a specific animation. (It is from the first Brian Amedee tutorial) It works when I separate the objects to be animated but when I use the LaggedStart class, it doesn't enlarge at all.
This is the code I have:
from manim import *class CircleGettingBigger(Scene): def construct(self): r = ValueTracker(0.5) circle = always_redraw(lambda : Circle(radius = r.get_value(), stroke_color = YELLOW, stroke_width = 5) ) line_radius = always_redraw(lambda: Line(start = circle.get_center(), end = circle.get_bottom(), stroke_color = RED_B, stroke_width = 10) ) triangle = always_redraw(lambda : Polygon(circle.get_top(), circle.get_left(), circle.get_right(), stroke_color = GREEN_C) ) self.play(LaggedStart( Create(circle), DrawBorderThenFill(line_radius), DrawBorderThenFill(triangle), run_time = 4, lag_ratio = 0.05 )) self.play(r.animate.set_value(2), run_time = 5)
Here is the video link:https://imgur.com/a/HU8Q71jIf you are unable to see the video at this time, the video plays the three objects but does not enlarge them.
However, if I do not use LaggedStart as in this code:
class CircleGettingBigger(Scene): def construct(self): r = ValueTracker(0.5) circle = always_redraw(lambda : Circle(radius = r.get_value(), stroke_color = YELLOW, stroke_width = 5) ) line_radius = always_redraw(lambda: Line(start = circle.get_center(), end = circle.get_bottom(), stroke_color = RED_B, stroke_width = 10) ) triangle = always_redraw(lambda : Polygon(circle.get_top(), circle.get_left(), circle.get_right(), stroke_color = GREEN_C) ) self.play(Create(circle), run_time = 1) self.play(DrawBorderThenFill(line_radius), run_time = 1) self.play(DrawBorderThenFill(triangle), run_time = 1) self.play(r.animate.set_value(2), run_time = 5)
Using the code above, it enlarges as planned.https://imgur.com/a/RNjJbuDWhat can I do to fix that?