When trying to upgrade my spring boot project from 2.5.6 to 3.2.5 swagger UI stops working.In version 2.5.6, I do not have spring security nor security config. I have only SwaggerConfig :
@Configurationpublic class SwaggerConfig { @Value("${spring.application.name}") private String applicationId; @Value("${spring.application.description}") private String description; @Value("${spring.application.version}") private String version; @Value("${app.env}") private String env; @Bean public OpenAPI openAPI() { return new OpenAPI() .info(apiInfo()) .components(new Components()); } private Info apiInfo(){ Info info= new Info(); info.setTitle(env +" - " + applicationId); info.setDescription(description); info.version(version); return info; }}
Is it necessary to add spring security after upgrading to spring boot 3.2.5, or should i change my SwaggerConfig? Or is the problem somewhere else?
Thank you very much and have a good day.