Using ForEach
, I want to create individual Toggles for each row. Right now, the @State
binding toggles all of the items at the same time, and I can't figure out how to separate them.
In the code below, I put a hard-coded array, but it really comes from an ever-changing .json file. Therefore, I need the ForEach
and the binding to be dynamic.
This post on hiding List
items and this post on problems with List
rows were helpful, but I couldn't make the binding work for my project. I'm on day 2 trying to figure this out, and none of what I've found online addresses this specific question.
Below is a small example of my code that reproduces my challenge. The dynamic data from the array comes from a .json file.
import SwiftUIstruct GreekWords: Codable, Hashable { var greekWordArray = ["Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma", "Delta", "Epsilon", "Zeta"] // The array data comes from a dynamic .json file}struct ContentView: View { var greekWords: GreekWords @State private var wordToggle = false var body: some View { VStack(spacing: 0) { ForEach(greekWords.greekWordArray, id: \.self) { word in Toggle(word, isOn: $wordToggle) } } .padding(.horizontal) }}
I expect this is a simple solution, so I thank you in advance for any help. Also, I would appreciate any direction you might point me to better learn SwiftUI. I've tried all the Apple tutorials and books and the 100 days of SwiftUI on HackingWithSwift.