I have a lot of UserForms as *.frm/*frx in a folder. I do not have the forms in a *.xlsm-Workbook, as I only load the necessary Userforms by need into my workbooks.Importing the files worked for many years.Now I can't load a single of my Userforms into any Workbook anymore.
When importing any form by hand it throws this error:
Picture of Error-Message:Error Message
When I import the form by VBA with:
WBook.VBProject.VBComponents.Import Filepath.frm
it throws the following runtime-error:
In some tries I also got a log-File, with following content:
"Row 2: Property OleObjectBlob in CODING__Form_VBEHandling could not be set"
I created a new UserForm in Excel and exported it. This Form can be imported without a problem, but all my old userforms throw the above mentioned error message.
So this seems as all my old Userfroms are broken.
If so, may there is a repair tool/ method for broken UserForms?
Thank you for any help to rescue the Forms!