I've searched various forums and tried several things but my below script errors out on ftpdata.bat file not found. In the comments with the arrows ===> are the network drives.
When I run this VPS from my desktop it works perfectly as coded. But changing over to use the network directory paths results in line 31 file not found.
Appreciate any enlightenment,
'**************************************************************************************'*** Logic Flow ===> KohlsReports.vbs ===> ftpfiles.bat ===> ftpfiles.bat '**************************************************************************************' This vbs creates a dialogue box and asks for you TSO password for FTP signon and ' downloading data to your Laptop for formating reports in later processes. This vps' below starts a BAT file ftpfiles.bat and passes the password to it and continues the' flow to create the reports. ' Author:Jason Andersen'************************************************************************************' Warning that the TSO CLIST needs to be ran firsMsgBox "Have you ran the TSO Dialogue KOHLSRPT yet?"' Send TSO Password PromptDim oShellDim WshShellTsoPwd = InputBox("Enter TSO password", " Kohls Report Generator", "*" ) If TsoPwd = " " Then WScript.QuitEnd IfIf TsoPwd = "" Then WScript.QuitEnd IfIf TsoPwd = "*" Then WScript.QuitEnd If' Lanuch main BAT file that begins main processing' ===> Z:\Forever\IT\Mainframe MSU Reports\VPS Scripts and BATs' or' ===> share (\\ksms3024) (Z:)Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")strCommand = "C:\MyFiles\kohlsreports\ftpdata.bat " & TsoPwd WshShell.Run strCommand, 0, TrueSet WshShell = Nothing'Rem ***********************************************************************************'Rem Scripts and BATs terminates here'Rem ***********************************************************************************
various example on this forum and others