I want to do linked list implementation of stack however my code is not working as expected.I am not able to discover whats causing the issue hence i will be posting my code, the present output and ideal output.i could not figure how to add in if condition that n is alphabet then execute if statement for input like no. 456 or execute else statement.kindly help if you figure the issue.
#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>struct node{ char data; struct node *next;};struct node*head;void push(char x){ if (head == NULL) { head= (struct node*) malloc(sizeof(struct node)); head->data=x; head->next=NULL; printf("additon successful\n"); return ; } struct node *temp = (struct node*) malloc(sizeof(struct node)); temp->next=head; temp->data=x; head=temp; printf("additon successful\n"); return ;}void pop(){ if(head == NULL){ printf("list is empty\n"); return ;}struct node *temp = (struct node*) malloc(sizeof(struct node));temp=head;head=head->next;free(temp);printf("pop is successful\n");return ;}void print(){ struct node *temp = (struct node*) malloc(sizeof(struct node)); temp=head; while(temp != NULL){ printf("%c ",temp->data); temp=temp->next; } printf("\nall items printed\n"); return ;}void main() { char n; printf("enter alphabet\n"); while (0!=1){ scanf("%c",&n); if(n != 1 && n!= '`'&& n!= 4 ) { push(n);} else if(n == 1) { pop();} else if(n == '`') { print();} else if(n == 4) { printf("\nexiting program"); return ;} else { printf("enter valid argument\n");} }}
enter alphabetradditon successful // why is this printing twice?additon successfulaadditon successfuladditon successfulnadditon successfuladditon successfuldadditon successfuladditon successful1 // for 1 code should perform pop operationadditon successfuladditon successful4 // for 4 function should end additon successfuladditon successful456 // i could not figure how to add in if condition that n is aplphabet then execute if statement for such no. like 456 execute else additon successfuladditon successfuladditon successful //why so many executions?additon successful
1list is emptyradditon successfuleadditon successfulaadditon successfuldadditon successful1pop is successful1pop is successful`a dall items printed456enter valid argument4exiting program