I am trying to connect with Zoho CRM using php. I followed this document https://www.zoho.com/sign/api/#get-documents-list for fetching list of sign documents.
It is taking long time on processing and sending response. I am trying to filter my request so that it will return only those documents which has request_status "completed".
Also, is there any way to fetch Intern docs using same api?
My website is in wordpress and i am using this code:
function zoho_doc_call($page, $docs_array) { $token = get_zoho_token(); $params = str_replace("}","%7D", str_replace("{","%7B","{%22page_context%22:{%22row_count%22:50,%22start_index%22:".$page."}}")); $url = "https://sign.zoho.com/api/v1/requests?data=".$params; $args = array('headers' => array( "Authorization" => "Bearer ".$token), ); $response = wp_remote_get( $url, $args ); if ( is_array( $response ) ) { $response = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ), true); //echo "<pre>"; print_r($response);die; $new_array = array_merge($docs_array, $response['requests']); } if ($response['page_context']['has_more_rows']) return zoho_doc_call($page+100, $new_array); return $new_array;}
I am new to this api. Can anyone please help me to fix long waiting time issue?