I am trying to create a template for a heatmap and a line chart using Plotly in Python. I want to use the combination of this template as well as the plotly_white.However, combining them remove the colors of the colorscale for my heatmap.
I define my template in the following function
THEME = {'background_color': '#ffffff','font_family': 'Roboto','accent_font_family': 'Roboto Slab','dark_color': '#2A2B2E','pale_color': '#DFD9E2','line_chart_color': 'black','label_font_size': 14,'label_background_color': '#ffffff','colorscale': 'Bluyl'}def create_custom_theme(): pio.templates['mytemplate'] = go.layout.Template( layout=go.Layout( font=dict( family=THEME['font_family']+' , '+ THEME['accent_font_family'], color=THEME['dark_color'] ), paper_bgcolor=THEME['background_color'], plot_bgcolor=THEME['background_color'], hoverlabel=dict( bgcolor=THEME['label_background_color'], font=dict( size=THEME['label_font_size'] ) ), hovermode="closest", newshape=dict( line_color=THEME['line_chart_color'] ), colorscale=dict(diverging=THEME['colorscale']), xaxis=dict( tickangle=-45 ) ) )
And set it as default like this
def set_default_theme(): pio.templates.default='mytemplate+plotly_white'
Also, I am wondering if it is possible to use the two font families defined in the template, in the hovertemplate. For now, I use span to avoid using the template
def get_heatmap_hover_template(): return ('<span style="font-family: Roboto Slabk"><b>Neighborhood : </b></span>%{y}'+'<br><span style="font-family: Roboto Slabk"><b>Year : </b></span>%{x}</br>'+'<span style="font-family: Roboto Slabk"><b>Trees planted : </b></span>%{z}<extra></extra>')