I am configuring the UserStorageService with all the necessary methods for log in and sign out of the application, but when I execute it it gives me that error
this is my code
This is the storage service
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';const TOKEN = 'ecom-token'const USER = 'ecom-user'@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root'})export class UserStorageService { constructor() { } public saveToken(token: string): void{ window.localStorage.removeItem(TOKEN); window.localStorage.setItem(TOKEN,token); } public saveUser(user): void{ window.localStorage.removeItem(USER); window.localStorage.setItem(USER, JSON.stringify(user)); } static getToken(): string{ return localStorage.getItem(TOKEN); } static getUser(): any{ return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(USER)); } static getUserId(): string{ const user = this.getUser(); if(user == null){ return ''; } return user.userId; } static getUserRole(): string{ const user = this.getUser(); if(user == null){ return ''; } return user.role; } static isAdminLoggedIn(): boolean{ if(this.getToken === null){ return false; } const role: string = this.getUserRole(); return role == 'ADMIN'; } static isCostumerLoggedIn(): boolean{ if(this.getToken === null){ return false; } const role: string = this.getUserRole(); return role == 'COSTUMER'; } static signOut(): void{ window.localStorage.removeItem(TOKEN); window.localStorage.removeItem(USER); }}
this is the app component
import { Component } from '@angular/core';import { UserStorageService } from './services/storage/user-storage.service';import { Router } from '@angular/router';@Component({ selector: 'app-root', templateUrl: './app.component.html', styleUrl: './app.component.scss'})export class AppComponent { title = 'e-commerce'; isCotumerLoggedIn : boolean = UserStorageService.isCostumerLoggedIn(); isAdminLoggedIn : boolean = UserStorageService.isAdminLoggedIn(); constructor(private router: Router){} ngOnInit(): void { this.router.events.subscribe(event => { this.isCotumerLoggedIn = UserStorageService.isCostumerLoggedIn(); this.isAdminLoggedIn = UserStorageService.isAdminLoggedIn(); }) } logout(){ UserStorageService.signOut(); this.router.navigateByUrl('login') }}
I have tried verifying the imports and so on but nothing has helped me, I re-wrote the code in case I wrote wrong but nothing is solved