I have an antd table
<Table columns={columns} dataSource={data} expandable={{ fixed: "right", expandedRowRender: (record) => (<p style={{ margin: 0 }}>{record.description}</p> ), expandIcon: ({ expanded, onExpand, record }) => expanded ? (<MinusCircleTwoTone onClick={(e) => onExpand(record, e)} /> ) : (<PlusCircleTwoTone onClick={(e) => onExpand(record, e)} /> ), }} />
The table has an expandable property, which takes a fixed property. When I set it to right
, the left class gets applied and hence does not get fixed to the right when the row is long.enter image description here
Antd Docs: https://ant.design/components/table#expandable
When i change fixed to left, the styles applied stay the same as when the value is right, and get removed when it is set to false