I tried to record some logs for front-end nginx
-based containers using fluentd
docker logging driver, but failed.
I ended up with following configuration for fluentd
(located in /tmp/fluentd/fluent.conf
<source> @type forward port 24224 bind</source><match **-**> @type stdout</match>
and following docker swarm manifest:
version: '3.8'networks: base:services: fluentd: image: fluent/fluentd:v1.17.0-1.0 volumes: - /tmp/fluentd:/fluentd/etc ports: - 24224:24224 networks: - base test-curl: image: alpine command: sh -c "apk add curl && while true; do curl fluentd:24224; sleep 5; done" depends_on: - fluentd networks: - base test-service: image: nginx:1.25 depends_on: - fluentd logging: driver: fluentd options: # fluentd-address: host.docker.internal:24224 # this line routes queries via docker host fluentd-address: fluentd:24224 # this line tries to send logs directly to fluentd container tag: something networks: - base
This configuration runs fluentd
service and two test services. First (with alpine
-based curl test) works fine. Second, with fluentd
driver, does not. It fails to start with following message:
> docker service ps fluentd-test_test-service --no-trunc...<...> \_ fluentd-test_test-service.1 nginx:1.25@sha256:<...> docker-desktop Shutdown Failed 22 seconds ago "starting container failed: failed to create task for container: failed to initialize logging driver: dial tcp: lookup fluentd: i/o timeout"...
Looks like for some reason it can't see fluentd
container in the very same network.But, as I am commenting out marked line and uncomment line with host.docker.internal
address, everything works as intended.
Running under WSL2 (, kernel, Docker 26.1.1, Windows 10.0.19045.4412
What I tried:
- upgrading
- upgrading
- upgrading
- diagnosing
(open ports, accessibility, dns resolution -- works fine) - inspecting all docker objects (looks absolutely normal)
- asking chatgpt
Please, any ideas will be appreciated.