This was my perfect excuse to extensively use the Debugger .. so here are the results:
I am using touchesBegan
to start the creation of a iPad game ...
The problem occurs when I touch-swipe and call newGame()
with the result that I somehow detect a nil pointer.
- set breakpoint within
with no error yet - stepped through each statement and progressed to the very end of
with still no error. - then I stepped into and the error happened.
In summary, why didn't the error happen when I was stepping thru newGame()
, but waited until the end of `touchesEnded(..)??
Okay .. maybe I am wrong and the nil pointer is not occurring within newGame()
Plus, I also have a ATV version of the same game where I execute newGame()
by pressing one of the buttons on my GamePad Controller and I get no error at all.
That forces me to conclude that the ohoh is in my touchesBegan
and touchesEnded
(within my GameScene extension) code which is as follows:
override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) { if let touch:UITouch = touches.first { // for swiping implemented in touchesEnded(...) start = (touch.location(in:self), touch.timestamp) // this remaining code is for touching buttons let location = touch.location(in: self) let ourNode:SKNode = atPoint(location) // not ourScene.atPoint(location) if ( == "nextScene") { showNextScene() } else if ( == "actionsList") { showList() } } // if let touch:UITouch} // touchesBeganoverride func touchesEnded(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) { if (thisSceneName == "GameScene") { var swiped = false if let touch = touches.first, let startTime = self.start?.time, let startLocation = self.start?.location { let location = touch.location(in:self) let dx = location.x - startLocation.x let dy = location.y - startLocation.y let distance = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy) // Check if the user's finger moved a minimum distance if distance > minSwipeDistance { let deltaTime = Double(touch.timestamp - startTime) let speed = distance / deltaTime // Check if the speed was consistent with a swipe if speed >= minSwipeSpeed && speed <= maxSwipeSpeed { // Determine the direction of the swipe let x = abs(dx/distance) > 0.4 ? Int(sign(Double(dx))) : 0 let y = abs(dy/distance) > 0.4 ? Int(sign(Double(dy))) : 0 swiped = true switch (x,y) { case (0,1): // up if (!itsGameViewController.gameIsRunning) { itsGameViewController.newGame() } default: swiped = false break } // switch } // if speed >= minSpeed && speed <= maxSpeed { } // if distance > minSwipeDistance { } // let startLocation = self.start?.location { start = nil if !swiped { // Process non-swipes (taps, etc.) print("not a swipe") } } // if (thisSceneName = "GameScene")} // touchesEnded