I am trying to find why is my code in assembly not compiling. I am a beginner in this language and I don't seem to know the problem. I tried changing the DELETE variable into DELETESG but the same problem occurs. Any help would be helpful.
DELETE SEGMENTassume cs:DELETE, ds:DELETE, ss:DELETEorg 0100h.model small.stack 100h.DATA filename db 'FILE1.txt', 0 success_msg db 'File deleted successfully', 0DH, 0Ah, '$' error_msg db 'File deletion unsuccessful', 0DH, 0Ah, '$'.CODEStart: mov ax, @DATA mov ds, ax; Call DOS function to delete filemov ah, 41hlea dx, filenameint 21h; Check for errorjc error; Display success messagemov ah, 09hlea dx, success_msgint 21hjmp exiterror: ; Display error message mov ah, 09h lea dx, error_msg int 21hexit: mov ah, 4Ch int 21hDELETE ENDSEND Start