I have a script that should get a value from the backgroud, basically it returns an item, but also for some reason it returns true when the function is called again.
In a background script item always object or undefined. How it got true in response is a mystery to me
async function renderMarketItem(item) { //parsers name, type and quality of item let market_item = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (chrome.runtime?.id) { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "getMarketItem", name: formatData(type, name, quality) }, (item) => { resolve(item); }) } else resolve(undefined); }); //another logic}chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((message, sender, sendResponse) => { if (message.action == 'updateConfig') { $('.items-grid').children().each(function() { renderMarketItem($(this)); }) }});/*for example*/$('.items-grid').children().each(function() { renderMarketItem($(this));})
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((message, sender, sendResponse) => { if (message.action == 'getMarketItem') { sendResponse(getMarketItem(message)); } if (message.action == 'updateConfig') { updateConfig(message, sender, sendResponse); }});const updateConfig = (message, sender, sendResponse) => { const {data} = message; getTabs((tabs) => { tabs.forEach((tab) => { chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tab.id, { action: 'updateConfig', data }); }); });}let getTabs = (callback = ()=>{}) => { chrome.tabs.query({ url: /*siteUrl*/ }, (tabs) => { callback(tabs); });}const getMarketItem = (message) => { let targetName = message.name; let item; if (targetName) item = items.find(item => item.market_hash_name.trim() == targetName.trim()); return item;}
I did function async with return true and it didn't work