I was able to successfully create notification subscriptions for recording creation and transcript creation. The notification contains resource property that looks something like this (shortened for brevity):
"resource": "communications/onlineMeetings('MSo5NzZmN ... XhAdGhyZWFkLnYy')/recordings('VjIjIzE5NzZmNG ... JlNzI=')"
and the docs say I can use this to download the recording (or transcript). But it seems this is a portion of a URL. Is there some way to use GraphServiceClient to do the download or do I need to make an HTTPS call using an HTTPClient? The only way I can see to download a recording or transcript with GraphServiceClient is if I have the MeetingId and RecordingId (or TranscriptId), which are not included in the notification.
Thanks in advance,Mike