So, I have an ESP8266. On this board I'm running the newest Version of the MicroPython firmware (1Mib).
I have a Java Vaadin Web Application with 2 Buttons. One Button is for publishing, that the LED should turn off and one Button for turn the LED on.
The MicroPython program on the ESP is running good, till I publish from the Vaadin App. I get the OSError -1 with no other args.
Some informations:Broker: hivemq in dockerhub localhostProgram for flashing: Thonny
Here is my MicroPython code: (I deleted the ssid and password for data protection -> the client sucessfully connect with the wifi)
import machinefrom umqtt.simple import MQTTClientimport networkimport timessid = "ssid"password = "password"wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF), password)while not wlan.isconnected(): passprint("hallo")MQTT_TOPIC = "led/control"LEDstatus = "off"ClientID = "Alabama"LED_PIN = machine.Pin(2, machine.Pin.OUT)LED_PIN.value(1)def mqtt_callback(topic, msg): if msg.decode() == "on": LEDstatus = "on" LED_PIN.value(0) elif msg.decode() == "off": LEDstatus = "off" LED_PIN.value(1)client = MQTTClient(b"Alabama", b"", 1883)client.set_callback(mqtt_callback)client.connect()client.subscribe(MQTT_TOPIC)while True: try: client.check_msg() time.sleep(10) except OSError as e: print("Fehler beim Empfangen der Nachricht:") print(e.args) client.disconnect() break
here is my subscribe publish method in Java Vaadin:
public void publishToDashboard(String topic, String message, String clientID) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException, JsonProcessingException { ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); Map<String, String> payload = new HashMap<>(); payload.put("clientID", clientID); payload.put("message", message); String strPayload = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(payload); Mqtt5Publish mqttMessage = Mqtt5Publish.builder() .topic(topic) .payload(strPayload.getBytes()) .contentType("json") .qos(MqttQos.AT_LEAST_ONCE) .build(); this.client.publish(mqttMessage).get(); System.out.println("published"); }
also for the Java MQTT Client i'm using this one from hivemq.
and here is the method, that I call when a Button get clicked:
private void publishLED(ClickEvent<Button> event, String msg, String clientID) { CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> { try { client.publishToDashboard("led/control", msg, clientID); } catch (ExecutionException | InterruptedException | JsonProcessingException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } }); }
It's my first project with ESP8266 and MQTT, and I literally searched 5h for this Exception but i did'nt find something.
If any informations missing please let me know.
Thank you for trying to help me. :)
Have a good one
Tried: Published message from Web App with buttonExpected: ESP8266 catch the message with subscribe and turn LED on or offWhat happened: OSError -1