I'm trying to create a sticker pack app for iMessage using Xcode 15.3 and nothing seems to be working.
The attribute editor does not show up when selecting sticker assets. This makes it impossible to edit the accessibility text on the stickers. This apple dev forum post describes the same issue.
Trying to run the app on my physical devices gives me a variety of errors depending on the device I'm using
a. On my iPad I get this error:
Failed to log access with error: access=, error=Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "connection to service named com.apple.privacyaccountingd" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=connection to service named com.apple.privacyaccountingd}
b. On my iPhone I get this error:
Couldn't read values in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x30079c120> (Domain: com.apple.country.carrier_1, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: /var/mobile/Library/CountryBundles/, Contents Need Refresh: No): accessing preferences outside an application's container requires user-preference-read or file-read-data sandbox access
Trying to run the app in the device simulator doesn't work either. The simulator will crash, or the app just won't load.
I tried creating a sticker pack app in Xcode 14.2 on my older laptop and it doesn't have these issues. Unfortunately, I can't run a build on my devices running iOS 17, and the simulator still crashes. I've tried trouble shooting the other errors, but I'm not entirely sure what they are alluding to. Some solutions have recommended custom entitlements or info.plists, but I haven't had any success. It's kind of funny that a no code application template is having so many problems.