I need create treemap plot,here my data
fd=structure(list(geo = c("FR", "ID", "KE", "NG", "TH", "BD", "BF", "GB", "ID", "US", "DE", "FR", "GB", "US", "ZA", "BR", "DE", "GB", "IN", "US", "GB", "KR", "TR", "US", "UZ", "AU", "CA", "CI", "SN", "TH", "DE", "FR", "GB", "ID", "US", "DE", "GB", "SA", "TH", "US"), total_gross = c(74800.179198648, 206351.720296498, 87104.011204479, 230279.098284536, 88416.123570242, 30649.923307, 1797.704424, 7203.416263, 20182.697799371, 1248.065576, 3884.255650215, 4312.951986, 7590.300395, 6124.868841, 5223.464131, 8579.658550893, 5105.435153999, 7041.527072472, 28142.360652436, 34010.800759784, 2274.429363, 1032.775403, 3611.359533, 27850.021229, 21428.923638, 3428.672326, 1596.969545249, 3506.142073, 1137.637902, 1932.374443, 7028.91663786, 9778.256711419, 6271.898612455, 5442.656310329, 47786.935549483, 46615.8912281, 34268.94122415, 20576.448612643, 20973.696070114, 288397.397156119), dataset = c("data0_50", "data0_50", "data0_50", "data0_50", "data0_50", "data10001_50000", "data10001_50000", "data10001_50000", "data10001_50000", "data10001_50000", "data1001_5000", "data1001_5000", "data1001_5000", "data1001_5000", "data1001_5000", "data101_500", "data101_500", "data101_500", "data101_500", "data101_500", "data50001", "data50001", "data50001", "data50001", "data50001", "data5001_10000", "data5001_10000", "data5001_10000", "data5001_10000", "data5001_10000", "data501_1000", "data501_1000", "data501_1000", "data501_1000", "data501_1000", "data51_100", "data51_100", "data51_100", "data51_100", "data51_100"), perc = c(4L, 8L, 18L, 14L, 5L, 3L, 4L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 1L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 1L, 2L)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -40L))
I create treemap, it's important for me to see the perc
in each category of the dataset + geo subcategories of this dataset.I do this
fd=read.csv("C:/1/fd.csv",dec=".",sep=";")str(fd)# Install required packages if they are not installedif (!require(treemap)) { install.packages("treemap") library(treemap)}# Convert data into a format suitable for treemaptreemap_data <- aggregate(perc ~ geo + dataset, data = fd, sum)# Building treemaptreemap(treemap_data, index=c("geo", "dataset"), vSize="perc", vColor="perc")------------------------ # Set image size png("treemap.png", width = 3200, height = 2400, res = 1000) # Change the size and resolution to your liking# Building treemaptreemap(treemap_data, index=c("geo", "dataset"), vSize="perc", vColor="perc")# Closing the output devicedev.off()
as the result i getcompletely unreadable chart
the names of geo and datasets are mixed up, and there is no exact value for the metric perс
How to do that each square contains the name of the geo, the name of the dataset and its perc
valueexample like this
here is the dataset, geo and perс value.Thank you for your help.